Subject: ! passagierslijst m.s. 'Dempo' (aug. 1936)
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 18:52:42 GMT
Passagiers o.a.:
- Wilhelmina Heida ELSHOVE, relatie met Johannes George BRANDON BRAVO. Uit
deze relatie: Antoinette Marie, geb. Tjimahi 1921, overl. Greyton, Zuid
Afrika 1996 (75 jr.)
[ http://members.home.nl/cpthendrix/hendrixframeset.htm?hendrixstart.htm ]
- Anna STIKKER, geb. Winschoten 1894 (21 in 1915), dochter van Uipko Obbo
Stikker (bankier) en Ida Meursing, tr. Groningen 31-05-1915 Jan Johannes
Mattheus van DIJK, geb. Gombong (Ned.-Indie) 1892 (23 in 1915), ingenieur
(1915), zoon van Egbertus Johannes van Dijk (onderwijzer) en Jetskalina
Arentine van Olm.
[ www.genlias.nl ]
- Betsy KLEIAN, geb. Bandung (Ned. Indië) 25-01-1901, onderwijzeres te
Makassa, overl. Den Haag 12-04-1987, dochter van Hendrik KLEIAN en
Toerminah, tr. Garoet (Ned.-Indië) 19-9-1931 Eduard Leopold HAMAKERS, geb.
Garoet (Ned.-Indië) 16-03-1906, overl. Scheveningen 4-12-1952, zoon van
Eduard HAMAKERS en Josephine Cornelia BOSCH.
[ http://www.hamakers.nl ]
- Marregie van ZOEST-ROEST, (A6;br5;??), (18/07/1899 Lekkerkerk)
[Alphabetische Namenlijst van mensen, die in Ambarawa Kamp 6 zaten]
[ http://members.lycos.nl/Theo_Derksen/Namen/X-Z.htm ]
- Eleonore VAN DUYVENBOODE VARKEVISSER, geb. Wedie (Klaten, Soerakarta)
14-10-1871, overl. Leiden 1-12-1972, tr. 16-3-1898 George Felix Bernard
WATRIN, geb. Padang 8-11-1869, Ridder MWO 4e klas, majoor-tit. inf. OIL.,
overl. 's Gravenhage 2-8-1935, zoon van Felix Celestinus Petrus Matheus
Watrin en Catharina Constantia Amalia van Daalen.
[ http://www.antenna.nl/~daktari/varkevis.htm ]
van het motorschip 'Dempo', 26 Aug. van Rotterdam naar Batavia.
Passengers of the Dutch m.s. 'Dempo', 26 August from Rotterdam to Batavia.
mevr. = mrs.
mej. = miss
fam. = family
en kind = and child
en echtg. = and wife
Naar/To Southampton:
mej. M. Adams
mevr. M. Bailey en kind
mej. E. Berce
G.A. Bles
fam. A.H.J. Canters
J. Canters
mevr. B.L. Cobb
mej. C.P. Haremaker
D.J. de Jonge
mevr. E. Mooser
mej. J. Mortlock
B. Nierstrasz
mej. M.E. Parker
mevr. E.M. Piggott
mej. G.M. Piggott
mej. A. Ruys
mej. G.A. Simon Thomas
mevr. C.E.D. Smith
fam. C. Vening
mevr. A. Vreem en kind
fam. C. Weststrate
A.H. von Wolzogen Kühr
mej. N. Wijnbergen
Naar/To Lissabon:
mej. H.J.C. Akkerman
A. de Albuquerque
J. d'Alcobia
mevr. d'Alcobia
fam. E.M. Armstrong
mej. F. Bakaite
mevr. K. Biberfeld
ir. W.R.C. Boers
mej. A. de C. Bourbon
mej. E. Brabaender
fam. C. de Brito Leal
mevr. W.H. Burger
G. Cameron
fam. W.C. Collett
A. Egerton Cooper
fam. A.T. Cox
mej. M. Crowden
K. Dahl
lt. col. J.P. Damasceno
fam. Flight Lt. M. Dawes
mej. T.J. Dillon
fam. A.A. Diniz
W.J. Ennever
J. Falla
Rev. J. Fehrenbach
R. Fermo
mevr. J. Ferreira
R.M. Ferreira
F. Flores
fam. R.F. George
H. Gilbert
fam. R. Glanfield
mej. R. Glanfield
fam. M. Gomes Coelho
mej. D.M. Gorvet
mevr. C.J. Holloway
mej. D.C. Holloway
W. Holz
R.S. Homet
mej. E.A.G. Hood-Santos
mevr. E.J. Hood-Santos
dr. L. Horowitz
O. baron von Hoyningen-Huene
E.R. Janes
dr. F. Kaufmann
mej. A.C. Keenan
mej. M.G. Keenan
prof. L. Keene
R.F. Keene
fam. I.S. Leslie
fam. Zijne Excellentie mr. A. Loudon
major E.H. Lynch
mej. M.L.S. Mamade
G. Mauelshagen
mevr. A.E. Michael
fam. J.C. Millar
T.S. Monteiro
R.F. Morgado
mej. M.F. Murinello
G.N. Neuburger
fam. R.F. O'Hagen
E. Oliveira Tavares
mej. D.W. Pidsley
H. Pokorny
fam. dr. C. Prazeres
mevr. E. Rangel
mej. M. Rangel
mej. D. Rawes
J. Reis
mej. F.C. Ribeiro
fam. G. Roeder
mevr. M.M. Scarlett
M. Schleedorn
mej. B.J. Sellers
A.M.C.C. da Silva
fam. H. da Silva Cardoso
E.B. Simon
mevr. E.M. Soares
Fe de Sousa
J. St. John
fam. Steer
dr. H. Strauss
J.C. Tarr
fam. dr. O. Teixeira Bastos
fam. Thomson
mej. M.E. Torrres
mevr. C.K. Waite
R.W. Waite
J. Well
mej. H.M.S. Were
A.L.C. White
fam. J.H. Wright
mevr. C. Zeegers-van der Most
A. Zihenguele
mevr. M.M. Zürcher-S. de Sousa
Naar/To Tanger:
mej. F.M. Banks
mej. E. Barnetson
mevr. A.M. Barry
mevr. R. Bertelotte
mej. N.W. Bowker
S.A. Bruun
col. G.M. Edwards
col. F.F. Ellis
fam. dr. G. Fraser-Anderson
mej. F.A. Gladwyn
mevr. E. Goullet
dr. F.A. Gray
mej. M.B.H. Hawtrey-Deane
mej. D.M. Henman
R.A.G. Jennings
mej. J.B. Lang
mej. M.I.A. Lang
F. Marchand
mevr. M. Mathot en kinderen
fam. De Montmorency
fam. C. Nairn
mej. H.L.E. Pointer
Th. Post
I.G.W. Priestwood
fam. M.H. Rafferty
mej. Rolf
mevr. L. van Royen en kind
S. Rulmy
mej. G.F. Springford
fam. R. Steven
fam. E. Thirkell
fam. mevr. F.A. Verdon
fam. A.Ch. Wech
Naar/To Gibraltar:
mevr. S. Benady en kind
Rev. A.C. Clay
fam. P. Drake
mej. D. Goodyear
Rev. J.K. Nugent
W. Smith
mej. M. Tilson
Naar/To Marseille:
fam. M.P. Arnold
mej. H.G. Blake
fam. E. Cohn
Sir John Curtis
mej. H. Curtis
fam. Th. Dix
J. Edis
A.E. Ereaut
E.J. Ereaut
the right revenred Monsignor Canon L. Evans
fam. A.H. Fuller
fam. A.O. Gray
mej. G. Gray
fam. J. ten Hagen
mej. E. van Harencarspel
lt. col. C.S. Harris
E. Hayn
fam. dr. F. Heinemann
fam. J. Hendrichs
mej. I. Herbert
mej. M. Hermenau
Z. Katai
K. Kuller
Ch. Labouret
fam. J.R. Leftley
H. Lewald
fam. M.J. Liesenborghs
C.A. van Loenen
fam. F. Logeman
fam. M. March
fam. A. Martin
mej. E. Mayne
mej. E.M. Mayne
col. R.C.G. Mayne
F. Neumann
J. Nicholson
mr. A. Pascalet
fam. dr. F. Pincus
ing. W. Pupp
K. Rosinski
fam. J.R. Rosselli
fam. H. Schwatto
A. Schweizer
mevr. M.H. Scott
D. Simmons
D. Simmons
fam. A.J.M. Verschure
fam. O. Vodal
prof. dr. M. Wassermann
mej. U. Wassermann
fam. S.P. Weisfelt
Naar/To Port-Said:
D.A. Archibald
I. Beckwith
mej. E.C.J. Black
fam. dr. A.W. Byrne
Sir Frank Carter
fam. H.B. Carver
mej. Carver
G. Cooper
mevr. A. Dreier en kinderen
mevr. W.P. Dijkstal
mej. Ch. Hain
G. Hawker
fam. G. Hoyami
fam. J. de Jong
mej. E. Linden
O. Lloyd Smith
fam. M. Lyons
Sir Edw. Malet Bart.
lady Malet
mej. W. Mitchell
fam. S.H. Morgan
mej. G. Polderman
mej. Sharpe
W. Tasker
lt. col. J.K. Watson
fam. D.L. Westwood
Naar Ned.-Indië / To the Dutch Indies:
mej. A.M. Agerbeek
mevr. wed. H.C.W. Appel-Rausch
mevr. W.P. van Ark en kind
mej. E. Arsa
mevr. M.E. Arsa-Scholten
mej. N. Arsa
fam. J.H. van Baarsel
J.J. Bacas
J. Baden
zeer eerw. pater A. Bakker
C.D. Bakker
mevr. W. Barend-van IJsseldijk
fam. H. Bartels
eerw. frater J.J.W. van Bavel
mevr. M.F.C. Benthem-Kerlen
mej. mr. H. van den Berg
mevr. C.E. Berlijn-Beck
mej. Berlijn
F. Berlijn
fam. R. Besançon
D. Bikker
H.G. Birkhoff
fam. ir. A.F.H. Blaauw
M. Blonk
J.H. van Bockhooven
fam. F. Bockholtz
mevr. D. de Boer-van IJsseldijk
fam. C.A.M. van Boheemen
A. Bonn
mej. C.W. Bool
W.K. Bottema
mevr. wed. J.C.D. Bouwmeester-Hollender
mevr. W.A. Brandon Bravo-Elshove
fam. J. Brandse
fam. A. Brochard
zeer eerw. pater J.A. Brummelhuis
fam. J.L. de Bruyne
zeer eerw. pater S. Buis
R.G.H. Buxton
mej. M.C.E. Campagne
fam. L.M. Cassée
mevr. wed. P.C.W. Clercx-van de Putten
mej. P.L.C. Clercx
fam. R. Coehoorn
ir. W.J.K. Cortenbach
mevr. H.C. Croes-de Jager en kind
fam. Th.J.M. van Daelen
R.B. David
B.E. Dieperink
mevr. M.G. Dirks-Pangels en kind
P.P. ten Doesschate
mej. B. Dommisse
H.D. Dommisse
G.K. Donald
mej. C.M. Dumas
mej. v. Dijk
mevr. A. van Dijk-Stikker
R. Eisen
G.W. van Empel
zeer eerw. pater A.A.M. van den Ende
E. Endert
Ch. Eysbach
fam. A.L. Feberwee
mej. A. Frederiksz
fam. F.H. Gemser
mej. G.J.H. Gerritsen
mr. drs. W.H. Gerritsen
fam. H. van Gerven
J. Gils
fam. ir. J.A.H. Gooszen
mevr. H. de Graaff-Mooy
J.J. Groninger
fam. J. de Grooth
fam. L.A.J. Gijsen
M.H. den Haan
H. Haasmann
fam. C. van Hagen
dr. W.B. Haines
mevr. B. Hamakers-Kleian
mevr. A. van de Haterd-van Bokken
fam. A.J. Heemskerk
P. Hein
P.J. Hendrikse
H.K. Horsten
fam. mr. C.G. van Huls
mevr. P.W. Hume
fam. H. Hummel
fam. P. Huysentruyt
fam. A.H. Huyskamp
fam. W.H.A. Jacometti
fam. A.A. Jansen
mevr. J.A.M. Jansen-Langermans
fam. J.M.J. Jansen
mej. E.L. Janssens
fam. A.E.F. Jansz
mevr. B.J.B. Jermyn
mej. E.G.R. de Kadt
fam. J.B. Kaeng
L. Kanning
mej. E. de Kat Angelino
E.F. Kerlen
eerw. frater L.A.C. Kloppenburg
R. Koch
J.K.M. Köchling
fam. mr. Raden Koestomo
mevr. G. Kooi-Stroink en kinderen
D. Kraay
fam. H.J. Kraay
J. Kraayenbrink
fam. W.P.C. Krüss
fam. L. Lammerts van Bueren
T.A. Langedijk
fam. M. Lans
A. Laurs
L. Leclerc
mej. A. van Lennep
fam. jhr. ir. H.S. van Lennep
Ph. de Leon
fam. H. Leverstein
Lie Tek Hoe
fam. C.H. Lindemeyer
fam. J.H.F. van der Linden
mevr. E. Lokker-Bakker
fam. F.A. Loth
eerw. zuster Theresia Lupcke
mevr. E. Lutz-Masthoff
fam. J.J.H. Lutz
fam. C.M. Maas
mevr. M. MacGillang-van Hemert
mevr. G. MacLeod Craik
mevr. E.E. McWalter
L.Th. Marcar
mevr. P.A. Marcussen-Tieman
J.B.E.C. Marinus
mej. J. Mars
mevr. C. Marsoudet
fam. J.K. Marteau
fam. J.P. Martens
L.A.F. Le Mat
eerw. frater J.H. Maureau
mevr. C.I. Mes-Strohmeyer en kinderen
fam. G.H. Meyer
fam. A.J. Meyering
H. Moen
fam. J.O.L. Monteiro
T.L. Mooser
W.H.F. Muns
E. Nagel
mej. V. Nagel
fam. P.F. Nauman
J.M.C. Nauta
fam. H.A.J. Neuijen
mevr. wed. A.A. Nieuwdorp-Neecken
mevr. wed. J.C. Nieuwdorp-Tönjes
mevr. E.C. van Nieuwenhuizen-Harten en kinderen
fam. H. van Nouhuys
R.Th. Overakker
fam. H.W. Peiris
dr. A. Pelser
fam. J.E. Pennink
R.O.B. Perrott
fam. Th. Peters
L.W. Pinchetti
fam. jhr. H.W. van de Poll
fam. C. Poortvliet
H. Prfunder
fam. W.C. Prinsen
mevr. A. Pronk-Verbaan
mevr. P.M.J. Prosé-Leliveld
Fred. Pusinelli
eerw. broeder J. Reder
fam. ir. W.Th.B. Reimering
mej. A.W. Reinking
fam. P. Reinking
mej. A.I. van Renesse
fam. J.M. van Renesse
fam. J. Renken
mej. C. Reynst
fam. J.J. Ritsema
C. Roozen
fam. P.L. Rosenthal
fam. W. Rosveld
H.E. Rouffaer
fam. J.P. Rugers
fam. Th. Rutting
fam. M.J. Ruychaver
mevr. H.J. Ruijs-Hermans en kinderen
mevr. L. Ruys-Gleichman
fam. C. Rijf
fam. R. Rijf
T. Rijf
fam. G. de Rijk
W. de Rijk
fam. dr. Carlos Sampaio
F. Sampaio
B.A.C. Santvoord
P.J.W. van Schaik
eerw. zuster Rumolda v. Scheyndel
M.J.H. Schmeitz
mevr. E. Schoevers-Persoon en kind
W.J.R. Schoevers
mej. E. Schoevers
eerw. frater Th.G. Scholten
W.S. Schupf
J. Schuwer
M. Scipio
fam. L.J. Serier
fam. S.R. Shields
mej. S. Siderius
mevr. wed. C.J. Sieburgh-Tönjes
fam. A.W. Siegel
fam. W.C. Sleebos
fam. P. Slingerland
fam. W. Sluyter
H.G.M. Smith
fam. P. Smith
mevr. W.S. Smith
J.W. Snijders
eerw. Broeder J. Soltes
mej. M.C. Spitsbergen
mevr. wed. N. Spitsbergen
J. Stalling
A.C. van Steenbergen
mevr. T. Stelweg de Jongh
fam. R.E. von Stietz
zeer eerw. pater M.J. van Stiphout
ir. A. Stolwerk
C.J. Stomps
mej. J. Surink-Leferink
fam. E.W.C. Swartz
mej. E. Thal Larsen
zeer eerw. pater F.Th.M. van de Tillaart
mevr. J.C. Tinga-Ruchtie
fam. D. Tribulawony
mej. G.J.A. van Tracht
R. Troost
fam. D.O. Utermark
B. van der Velden
fam. M. Verkerk
mej. C.A.G. Verkouw
mej. A.A.M. Versteege
mevr. H.A.W. Verwer-ten Braak
zeer eerw. paer J.A. van Vessem
N.J. Victor Howes
fam. M. Visbeen
fam. H.W. Visser
mevr. D. de Vlugt-van der Brug
fam. A. van der Voet
mevr. C.J. Vogelzang en kind
fam. F.P.R.R. Voigt
mevr. E. Volders
mej. C.J.M. Volmer
fam. P. Vonck
mevr. G. Vos-Roos
fam. W.J. Voskuil
eerw. zuster Crescentiana de Vreede
fam. E.H. van Waardenburg
eerw. zuster Benigma Wakkers
fam. J. Warmink
mevr. wed. E. Watrin-van Duyvenbode Varkevisser
H.G. van Waveren
fam. ir. F.B. Weber
mej. B. Weehuizen
M. Weill
fam. dr. R. van Wesel
mej. A.M. Westwood
mej. A. Wetters
fam. G. van Wieren
mevr. J. von Winning-van Lennep
W. de Wit
fam. C.H. Wolff
J.A. Worswick
fam. A. van Wijk
fam. O. Wijnmalen
C.G. Young
P. van Zalinge
J.H. Zimmerman
mevr. van Zoest-Roest
mr. E.A. Zorab
[source Dutch newspaer: Het Vaderland 27-8-1936, edition 2, page 8]
* * *
Subject: ! Toevallige vondsten
From: "A.G Musquetier" <musquetier @spamtrap home.nl>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 12:43:50 +0100
Een greep (uit index F) met een beknopt overzicht van wat u
ongeveer op mijn website http://members.home.nl/musquetier/ kunt
Faber Oege zijn weduwe... Elsinga, Tapper Bezwaarschrift tegen
opgelegde belasting wegens Patentrecht voor het jaar 1840/41 met een
handgeschreven brief met zijn handtekening Maart 1841 (21)
Faber Oege Eeltjes, , Faber Eerde Eeltjes , Faber Akke Eeltjes ,
huisvrouw van Elzinga Pieter Jochums , Faber Eerde Eeltjes
request verzoekende vrijstelling boete van de nalatenschap van Faber
Eerde Eeltjes jaar 1824 (1)
Faber P gewezen ontvanger te Kollum onderwerp de executie van zijn
boedel , wordt ook genoemd Huizinga R, Deurwaarder en Gorter H,
Timmerman jaar 1815 (1)
Faber Petrus te Kollum betreft de goederen van de reeds gevonnisde
enz. jar 1814 (1)
Faber Pieter Arjens, Oosterbierum, De inwoners van Oosterbierum.
Onderwerp de afstand tussen dorpen i.v.m. het halen in het donker
van Concent biljetten en graanhandel op Franeker en Harlingen enz.
enz. getekend dor de volgende dorpelingen; Donia Jochem Harmens,
Hibma Jan Johannes, Stellingwerf R. J., Steinfort Lieuwe Hessels,
Faber Pieter Arjens, Andringa Tjeerd Gerbens, Herrema Jacob J.,
Bosmey Jacob , Sey van de Anne Jans, Bosma Klaas P., Terpstra
Jochum Symons, Haima Jacob Jacobs, Steinfort H. K., Hekmans H. F? of
T?, Bakels Adrianus, Boersma D. Meinderts, jaar 1815 (3)
Faber Pietje Jurjens, weduwe van Ket Willem Derks waaraan eervol
ontslag verleend, verzoekt zijn weduwe om een pensioen jaar 1841 (2)
Faber Rinze Douwes, Grofsmid te Leye onder Hallum een
handgeschreven brief met zijn handtekening onderwerp een request en
belastingen, jaar 1824 (2)
Faber Ritske Jans---------- Boer de Yde Taekes en Faber Ritske Jans
beide te Bolsward, worden genoemd Veen van der Abe, Veen van der
Johannes, en van der Veen Taike ? verzoek kwijtschelding
betreffende de nalatenschap van Sjoerds Lieuwe te Bolsward, jaar
1824 (3)
Faber Yde Jans wonende achter de Wite Hand te Leeuwarden geb. te
Wirdum bevind zig in armoedige omstandigheden met zijn vrouw en drie
kinderen enz. een brief met zijn handtekening. Jaar 1823 (2)
Faber Yde Jans wonende achter de Wite Hand te Leeuwarden geb. te
Wirdum bevind zig in armoedige omstandigheden met zijn vrouw en drie
kinderen enz. een brief met zijn handtekening. (Uitspraak op het
verzoek) Jaar 1823 (3)
Faber, Dossier betreft Personele belasting van Jan Jelles Faber
verhuurder van Paarden te Marssum (11)
Faber, 16 eigenaren van panden in Dokkum (lijst van zodanige
personen die hun huis te laag in huurwaarde hebben aangegeven .
Familienamen zijn: (Fochteloo, Beekkerk, Slooten, Steenwijk, Andree,
Helder, van der Weide, Talma, Faber, van der Weide, Gratama, Klaver,
Vries en Posthuma)
Faber, J. W., Examen gedaan voor onderwijzer te Veenwouden (3) jaar
Faber, Politie Overtreding bij art. 254 wetboek van strafvordering
met beschrijving van de overtreding enz. Geel Douwes Faber te
Fagel Jacoba, -------- Koers Jan, te Leeuwarden een handgeschreven
brief die ondertekend is door Smeding Hermanus,
Bolman Isaac, Koers Jan, Onderwerp; dat Nieuwenhuis Johanna
bij haar testament dd. 25-01-1766, er worden de volgende personen
genoemd met diverse legaten enz. Smeding Hermanus, Bolman Isaac,
Coenen van Christiaan, Noorda Gerrijt, Tickens Hermanus, Koopman van
beroep, Kempenaar de Jan, Fagel Jacoba, Nieuwenhuis Johanna, jaar
1814 (4)
Faber Wytze,----- Wiering Foppe. (de familie) een dossier wegens hun
verzet tegen de Politie Onderwerp; de nieuw aan te leggen weg
Haulerwijk, Wittehuis, Rolpaal, Veenhuizen met een zijtak naar de
Koumansburg, onderwerp het kappen van bomen, en dat 1 veldwachter
niet voldoende was de tegenstand te overwinnen van de familie,
verder verklaart de Opperwachtmeester Zoethout Jurjen, Meijer Eize
Rijksveldwachter en Faber Wytze Gemeente en Rijksveldwachter, dat
de familie gewapend met een Hooivork en schop een emmer kokend water
een bijl om te voorkomen dat de Lindebomen gekapt werden aangerend
de vrouw des huizes Bies Jantje, de zoons Wiering Bocke, Wiering
Jan, Wiering Engbert,zij hun revolvers hebben genomen en ieder een
schot in de lucht hebben geschoten , en verder vielen er 2 schoten
waardoor Foppe Wiering op de grond zeeg enz. enz. enz. tevens
een tekening met de situatie van het huis en de bomen wordt ook in
genoemd de Gemeente architect Noorman Jitze jaar 1920 (14)
Feenstra J. J. en Feenstra J. te Wolvega een handgeschreven brief
met hun handtekening verzoekt en een gedrukt briefhoofd in blauw
(Feenstra' s Meubel en Klompenhandel en Gros. Te Wolvega Postcheque
en Banknummer. Enz. ) vergunning tot het aanleggen van een
zonnescherm op zijn in eigendom hebbende perceel kadastraal bekend
enz. enz. te Wolvega, met een tekening (Blauwdruk) van de situatie
met de toestemming en de bouwvoorwaarden jaar 1920 (10)
Met Vriendelijke groet van
Anton Musquetier
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Subject: ! passagierslijst s.s. 'Koningin Emma' (febr. 1914)
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:51:55 GMT
van het st. 'Koningin Emma', kapt. P. Ouwehand, 3 Febr. v. Batavia
vertrokken, 27 Febr. te Genua aamgekomen.
J.C. Adam
R.E. Ament, echtgenoote en 3 kinderen
A.M.A. Andraede
J.Ph. Amesz
K.P. Arends, echtgenoote en 4 kinderen
mej. Assman
N. Bakker
B. Bentink
mej. F.C. de Bens
C.D. van der Berg
J. Boissevain
M. Bor
freule M. Boreel
mevr. P. von dem Borne
G. Branderhorst
dr. L.H. Brandon
dr. J. van Breda de Haan en echtgenoote
K. Broekema, echtgenoote en kind
dr. G. Brouwer
H. Brouwer
mevr. E.F. Campbell en 3 kinderen
M. Cohen, echtgenoote en kind
P. Dake
R.W.E. Dalrymple, echtgenoote en 2 kinderen
H.J. Dibbets en echtgenoote
J.H. Dito
J.L. Doerleben, echtgenoote en kind
J. Draisma
Th. Dudok van Heel en echtgenoote
P.H. Essers
K. Faber
W. Filet, echtgenoote en zoon
mej. Fürer (Türer)
mej. M.C. Giesenkamp
J.A.F. Grimbal Du Bois
F.W.J. Groeneboom
A.A. de Groot, echtgenoote en kinderen
mevr. P.F. de Groot en kind
S.K. Groustra
S.P. Haakenhout
dr. J.H.A. Haarman
H.C. Haas
T. Hagenaar
J.J. Hasenwinkel, echtgenoote en zoon
W.J.E. Hekmeyer
mej. C.H. van der Heyden
J.P. van Hell, echtgenoote en kind
W.F. Hoedemaker
P.J. van der Hoek
mej. M. Hofmeesters
A.A. Horn
P.L. Houben, echtgenoote en kind
A.J. Houck
D. Hubenet, echtgenoote en kind
A. Impijn
mevr. L. Jenn (Jeun, Jena)
G. Jobsis, echtgenoote en kind
M.A. Jonkergauw, echtgenoote en 3 kinderen
P. Kasen
H.J.A. Keyzer
L.B.C. de Klerk, echtgenoote en kinderen
mevr. Klop
E.A. Knoore
C.H. Koch
C.A. Koning en echtgenoote
J.H. Kooiker
F.W.A. Kuschinski
G.F.C. Küthe
A.G. van der Lamp en echtgenoote
C. Lebbink, echtgenoote en 2 kinderen
P. le Clercq
P. Leegwater
S.C. van Leeuwen
A.A.E. Lanné en echtgenoote
Liem Eang Goan
J.P. Graaf van Limburg Stirum en echtgenoote
L.J.G. Lodder
J. Lugt
H. Maas
A.M.J. Maingay
G. Marmelstein
A. Martini
mevr. H.J. Martin Kalff
A. Maurer
P.H. Mayer-Timmermans-Thijssen
J.L. de Meyrer (Meyier)
C.E. de Mello-Flores
L. Luis
L. Floros
J. Mioulet en echtgenoote
dr. Monikkendam
mevr. E. Mulder en 2 kinderen
F.R. Muller, echtgenoote en kind
mevr. A.E.W. Muskens en 2 kinderen
J. Nepveu
J.A. Nivel
G.H. Nivel
D.S. Os
B.W. Oostrum
mevr. A. Plaats tot Gansoyen en kind
A. Parmentier
dr. V.A. Petcovil en echtgenoote
J.C. Pfeiffer en echtgenoote
mej. E. Pflughaupt
A.J. Pommé
M. Pruymboom (Bruymboom)
J.A.A.F. Quentin, echtgenoote en 3 kinderen
J. Reuvers
J.M. Roode
J. van der Sande
G.M. Schaay
mej. M.J.C. Schepp
J.E. Schouten
J.W.F. van der Schuyt
H. van Son
W.G. Spier en echtgenoote
D.J. Stayn-Parvé
A.L.H. Stoof
H.N. Tetterode en echtgenoote
K. Tichelaar
A. Tom
P.H. Tromp en echtgenoote
C. Verkerk
P. Verschoor
W.C.G.J. van Waardenburg
P. van der Wal
L. Weber
P. van der Werf
F.J.J.M. Willemse
D. Wijnbeek
Emil Zacha
H. van Zonneveld
P.E. Zorab en echtgenoote
R. Zwier
mevr. J.M. Zijp
S. Dissoccia-Zylvestri Count de Villefranche
J. van de Loo
captn. R.H. Mc. Gran, echtgenoote en 3 kinderen
Persival en echtgenoote
P. Knegtmans
L. Toucas
benevens H.M. troepen en schepelingen
[bron: NRC 2-3-1914, editie 2, blad 3]
[kranten online:
* * *
Subject: ! passagierslijst m.s. 'Christiaan Huygens' (febr. 1938)
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:52:28 GMT
Passagiers o.a.:
- Anje PINKSTER, geb. Scheemda ca. 1899, dochter van Harm Pinkster en Aagtje
van Groenenbergh, tr. Scheemda 10-02-1921 (echtscheiding 9-8-1957
's-Gravenhage) Petrus BEISHUIZEN, geb. Midwolda ca. 1898,
adjunct-accountant, zoon van Pieter Beishuizen (kleermaker) en Trijntje
- Adeline Jacoba MOLHUIJSEN, geb. Arnhem ca. 1872, dochter van Derk
Molhuijsen (meubelmaker) en Johanna Catharina Bugter, tr. Arnhem 1-12-1898
Arnold MEIJROOS, geb. Arnhem ca. 1874, redacteur (1898), zoon van Hendrik
Arnoldus Meijroos (muziekdirecteur) en Marie Plate.
- Jefke van BAAR van SLANGENBURGH, tr. Gijsbert Karel Willem Ferdinand de
1. Jifke de VAYNES van BRAKELL BUYS, geb. Fort de Kock, D.E.I. 6-1-1907,
wonende Oosterbeek (sept. 1999), tr. (1) Huibert Gerard Brian de KRUYFF van
DORSSEN, geb. Hilversum 13-1-1894, wonende te Bandoeng in 1930 en 1938, zoon
van Gijsbertus de KRUYFF van DORSSEN en Jonkvr. Charlotte Louisa Huberta
NAHUIJS, tr. (2) De Bilt 13-8-1954 Albert KETTELARIJ, geb. Deventer
26-12-1900, overl. Wageningen 9-9-1993, zoon van Albert KETTELARIJ en Derkje
Antonia BALK.
2. Willem Frederik de VAYNES van BRAKELL BUYS, geb. Sidikalang 24-8-1909,
wonende in Batavia in 1937 en 1939.
3. Wilhelmina Ferdinanda de VAYNES van BRAKELL BUYS, geb. Padang 15-9-1911.
- ** Rt. Hon. Viscount MONSELL, P.C., G.B.E. **
Bolton Meredith Eyres-MONSELL, 1st Viscount Monsell, PC (1881-1969) was a
British Conservative politician who served as Chief Whip until 1931 and then
as First Lord of the Admiralty.
His parents were Lt.Col. Bolton James Alfred Monsell, a soldier and a Chief
Constable in the Metropolitan Police, and Mary Beverley, daughter of Sir
Edmund Ogle, 6th Bt. Bolton Monsell took the name Eyres upon his marriage to
Caroline Eyres.
Eyres-Monsell served as Member of Parliament for the Evesham Division of
Worcestershire from 1910 to 1935. He became First Lord of the Admiralty in
1931. He was created Viscount Monsell in 1935, retaining his office in
government until 1936.
Viscount Monsell's daughter, the Hon. Joan Eyres-Monsell, was married for
the second time in 1968 to Patrick Leigh Fermor, the traveller and author.
- Lady SWAYTHLING (= Lady Gladys Goldsmid Montagu Swaythling) (1879-1965)
[infos.aus-germanien.de/ Tischtennisweltmeisterschaft_1926]
van het motorschip 'Christiaan Huygens', 18 Febr. van Singapore vertrokken.
Gezagvoerder: P.J. Bakker
Passengers of the Dutch m.s. 'Christiaan Huygens', 18 February left from
Naar/To Suez:
mej. B. Klaehn
mevr. A.K. Wiley
Naar/To Port-Said:
mej. M.B. Alliot
mevr. F.E. Farrington
fam. A.M. Ferguson
mevr. E.I. Howe
mej. E.R. Howe
mej. M.H. Miller
mej. H.G. Preston
mej. C.J. Sipkema
Naar/To Genua/Villefranche/Algiers/Southampton/Amsterdam:
mej. M.J. Abbott
mevr. R.M. Abbott
ir. J. Adriaanse
K.G. van Alberda
A. Albrecht
Aman Hoesintalib
fam. B. Andringa
mevr. L. van Baar van Slangenburgh
mevr. R.D. Bach
P.J. Bakker
mej. H.D. Barnes
mevr. M. Barton
mej. R.M. Barton
mevr. A. Beishuizen-Pinkster en 2 kinderen
mej. T.C. Beishuizen
mej. A.H. Beishuizen
mej. P.H. Beishuizen
A. Bek
fam. J. Bek
mevr. M.P. van den Berg en 2 kinderen
P. van Beveren
Col. S. Bird
fam. A. van Blommestein
mevr. M.E.G. Boekhoven en kind
fam. H.N. van den Bos
fam. C.J.M.L. Boij
mej. J. Bradburn
G. van Brakel
R.J.C. Braun
Capt. J.W. Bridges
A.A. Bruins
mej. E.E. Buchanan
fam. J.H. Buitink
G.M. Bijster
mevr. G.E. Cellarius-Post en 2 kinderen
mej. H. Cals
T.H. Cochran
fam. dr. G.H.U. Corbet
mevr. A.E. Dalmeijer-de Wijn en 3 kinderen
fam. G.K.E. Deetman
H.A. van Deinse
fam. H.H. Dibbetz
mej. I.H.E. Dibbetz
fam. W.J.A.A. den Doop
mevr. de wed. C.E. Doornbos-Post
mevr. J. Dorrestein-van Lier
fam. D.L. van Elk
fam. jhr. Elliot
fam. hr. R. Essayie
mej. C.A. Feldsieper
Q.G. Feij
fam. capt. Fitzgerald
mej. Fitzgerald
fam. D.F.F. Forbes
fam. dr. M. Friedeberg
mej. I. Friedeberg
L. Friedler
J.C.E. Gaemers
A. Galloway
H. van Genderen
W.D.J. Gestel
A.C. de Geus
mevr. Glasbrook
fam. G. Haacke
P.I. Haan
mevr. V.L.B. Haigh
G. Hammink
fam. dr. H.J. Hardon
fam. F.C.J. Hartgers
mej. M.E. Haward
D.F.E. Heinsius
fam. Ch.Th. van Hemert
mej. J. van Hemert
mej. W. van Hemert
D. Hessels
fam. R. Hoffmann
T.P.K. Hoogenboom
mevr. Hoppe en kind
mej. N.E. Hunt
mej. F.M. Hutson
E.E. Jacob
S.L. de Jong
fam. W. de Jong
fam. J.N. Jonker
fam. A.H. Kloppenburg
A.H. Kloppenburg Jr.
F. Kowalczijk en kind
fam. J.C. van Krieken
fam. B. Kroijt
fam. J.J. Kuijer
fam. C.J. Kijber
L.E. van Laer
K.A. Landberg
mevr. H.P. Lansdale-Ruthven
hr. Lee
F.A. Loman
fam. J.A. Loyen
G.J. Loten
mej. Luard
mevr. Mackay
mej. D. Mac Rae
fam. J. Mavie
S. Mc Clure
mej. E.A. Meek
mevr. A.J. Meijroos-Molhuijsen
mej. A. Mikat
F. Mobley
fam. J.H. Molyneux
Rt. Hon. Viscount Monsell P.C., G.B.E.
fam. F.C. Moore
mej. H. Moore
fam. E.A. Morks
fam. A.K. Mulder
mevr. H.R. Munro
mevr. E.M. Niali
mevr. de wed. A.E. Nitschmann
W.A.H. Nooijen
fam. J. Nije
mevr. F.L.C. Ockers-van der Veen en 2 kinderen
fam. H.H.A. Oerlemans
mej. L.E. Oerlemans
J.C.A. Onnen
mej. E. O'Sulivan
mej. A. O'Sulivan
Th.C. Ouwehand
fam. A.C. Paardekooper
mej. E. Pannell
G.W. Patton
mej. J.I. Phipps
mevr. P.M.J. Prosé-Lelieveld
J. Raaymakers
mevr. Reyolds (Reynolds)
F.F. van Rhijn
mej. D.W. Robinson
mej. A.R. Robinson
fam. J. Roismann
mevr. E. von Rombauer
B.B. de Rosal
mevr. L. Ruthe
dr. H.G.J. Sax
mevr. M. Schäfer
fam. D. Schakel
fam. C.M. van der Schatte Olivier
fam. H.L.I.M. Schellart
fam. Chr. Schimmel
W. Schippers
W.K. Schoondergang
fam. A.M.F. Schutijser
J. Schuitema
mej. M.A. Sinclair
fam. C.W. van der Sluis
fam. A. Smit
C.G. Smith
mevr. Smith
H. Sommermann
fam. A. Sznejder
M. Sznejder
fam. H.G.W. Sprenger
J. Steendam
mr. W.J.C. Steenes
fam. mr. Th.J.B. Steensma
mevr. Stephen Fry en 2 kinderen
fam. N.W.L. Stofkoper
The Dowager Lady Swaythling
H. Tappe
mevr. E.M. Tatton en kind
mej. G.M. Taylor
fam. J. Tiston Crump
mevr. J. de Vaynes van Brakell Buys-van Baar van Slangenburgh
fam. M.H. van der Velden
fam. J.L. van Verre
fam. W. van Versendaal
fam. dr. D.S. Villars
fam. ir. G.S. Vrijburg
fam. J. Wal
L.D. Walford
Ch.L. Warendorf
fam. H.L. Weidema
mej. J. Whitehouse
fam. G.G. Wiersma
J. Wilkens
fam. C. van der Woude
[source: Vaderland 22-2-1938, editie 2, blad 8]
[kranten online:
* * *
Subject: ! passagierslijst 'Dempo', Rotterdam-Batavia (nov. 1936)
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:53:24 GMT
Passagiers o.a.:
- Jeanne van HOUTEN, geb. Medan 231-0-1905, wonende te San Remo, tr. Haarlem
2-10-1928 Johannes Hendrikus ANEMA, geb. Rotterdam 1-3-1892, agent van een
handelsfirma, wonende te Batavia, Ned. Indië en te Pladjoe, Nederlands
Indie, overl. Bussum 29-8-1960, zoon van Lieuwe Sybrand Anema en Everdina
Johanna Bovenkerk.
[ http://home.planet.nl/~albert10/Anema/Midlum.htm ]
- fam. Bishop Edwin F. LEE:
Announces HOOVER-LEE SCHOLARS; Honoring The Reverend & Mrs. James M. Hoover
Bishop & Mrs. Edwin F. Lee; Provided by Drs. Lillian & Lik Kiu Ding
Southeast Asia Scholarship Endowment.
[ http://www.umhef.org/pdf_library/Hoover_Lee_App.pdf ]
- Ernestine Willemine GOUDRIAAN, overl. na nov. 1936, tr. Charles John
MULHOLLAND, overl. voor nov. 1936. Zoon:
1. Johan Jacob MULHOLLAND, geb. Probolinggo, Indonesia 22-11-1897, over.
Doorwerth 6-9-1962, tr. Doorwerth 11-2-1957 Maartje FRANS, nurse.
[ http://www.interlog.com/~soecf/d9.htm#P338 ]
van het dubbelschroef mailmotorschip 'Dempo', dat 18 Nov. van R'dam naar
Batavia vertrekt.
Passengers from the Dutch s.s. 'Dempo', 18th November from Rotterdam to
Naar/To Southampton:
fam. C.J. Broekhuysen
P.A. Bijdendijk
mevr. M. Gebbie
mej. J. Kijlstra
mej. J. Lettinga
mej. C. van Lutikhuysen
J.L. van Maurik
mevr. C.M. Mooiman
K. Riege
fam. E. Stanley-White
fam. B.C.A. van Werkhoven
Naar/To Lissabon:
fam. M.B. Amzalak
K.V. Andersen
fam. A.W. Barmby
mej. H.C. Barnstein
mevr. C.R. Berkeley
J.P. Berryman
mej. G. Braddell
fam. B. Brown
mevr. P. Brown
mevr. E.H. Cardo
mej. K.I. Conisbee
mej. L. Crosbie
mej. W. Dickson
mej. F. Dunn
fam. G. Edwards J.P.
fam. H. Feist
mevr. E.L. Franks en kinderen
mevr. C.W. Grunland
J. Gutierrez
fam. A. Hartwich Nunes
fam. W.C. Hill
fam. D.S. Horgan
capt. A.J. Jameson
H. Katzenstein
fam. G.D. Livingstone
mej. P.M.F. MacDougall
mevr. S.M.A. Marsden
mevr. J.G. McKay en kinderen
dr. F. Mouths
dipl. ing. W. Mouths
A.M. Nielsen
mej. J. Ogilvie
L.A. Pope
Countess M.L.W. Posse
mevr. Ph. Rees Milington
mej. J.M. Robert
A.A. de Sommer
mevr. W. Veerhoff
dr. H. Vogel
Th.J.H. Wandschneider
fam. F.G.N. Wilks
H.S.A.W. Willinck
W.O. Wood
R.E. Worsley
J.P. Wynne
mej. C.L. Young
Naar/To Tanger:
mevr. E.M. Avon
mevr. C.M. van Brakel
mej. H. Bridget
C.P.Th. Cabos
mevr. M.S. Clopet en kinderen
mevr. E. Corsini
G. Cruysmans
fam. H.S. Dickson
fam. dr. D. Donald
mej. D. Donald
fam. C. Esayag
J. Grisewood
mej. R.L. Higgins
mej. S. Hollman
M. Kats
mej. I. McNaughton
mevr. G.E. Robertson
mevr. A.K. Schlee
Sir en Lady St. John Branch
mej. E.K. Templer
G.E. Till
mej. G. Ward
mej. M.M.J. Weijsenfeld
Naar/To Gibraltar:
mevr. D.A. Banister en kinderen
mej. G.M. Bersey
mevr. G.T. Burney
mevr. N.M. Rowell en kind
ir. A. de Voogd
Naar/To Marseille:
mej. K. Bassett
fam. P. Blanchet
K. Böttcher
A.B.H. Colls
D.A. Colls
mevr. J.L. Esson
mevr. M. Hazlehurst-Cherry en kind
fam. dr. M. Herzberg
fam. P.T. Jamieson (Jemieson)
R. Jamieson
fam. J.J. Kalker
H. Mc Alistor
fam. dr. W.C. Minifie
mevr. P.L. Moss
mevr. N. Richards
mevr. T. Richards
I.O.R. Shirley
fam. B. Spicker
H. Staunton
fam. A. Thomson
fam. D.J. Westenburger
Naar/To Port-Said:
E.P. Barradas
mej. A. St. C. Daniel
mevr. H.M. Durham Matthews en kd.
fam. J. Guston
fam. P.W. Hagedoorn
fam. Fortunato
F. Mourao
mevr. J. Oakeshott
mevr. A.M.J. Oakley
mej. A.S.J. Smith
mej. H. Strik
Naar Ned.-Indië/To Dutch Indies:
H.H. The Sultan of Johore
H.H. The Sultana of Johore
suite [=gevolg]: captain B.Y. Abdullah
suite [=gevolg]: dr. C.P. Pagler
suite [=gevolg]: Melan Bin Abdullah
H.H. The Sultan of Selanger K.C.V.O.
suite [=gevolg]: Che Anjang Ninti Abdullah Tengku Musa Eddin Bin Sultan
Sulaiman Shah
suite [=gevolg]: Tengku Mastura
suite [=gevolg]: Tengku Permeisuri of Langkat
suite [=gevolg]: Tengku Mohamed Bin Sultan Sulaiman Shah
suite [=gevolg]: Raja Musa
suite [=gevolg]: Mrs. Musa
suite [=gevolg]: dr. B. Barrowman
suite [=gevolg]: F.W. Douglas
suite [=gevolg]: Sheik al Islam
suite [=gevolg]: Dato Amar
fam. J.B. Adkins
fam. E. Anderson
mevr. J. Anema-v. Houten en kinderen
fam. F.J. Antoni
mej. M. Apcar
mej. M.M. Arends
fam. T. van Arkel
mevr. V. Arratoon
fam. J.U. Auers
mej. A. van der Baan
fam. J.W. Bach Kolling
fam. C.A. Bakhuys
fam. A. Bardonauw
mevr. L.E. Barry
J.J. Becks
fam. G. Beers
mevr. J. Berendsen
fam. ir. J.E. van den Berg
mevr. S.L. Binkhuysen en kinderen
mej. E. Blok
J.J.G. Bolduan
fam. L. Bolk
K.W. Bornkamp
fam. Th.H.J. Borsboom
fam. M.L.M.A. Bosse
mevr. H.E.A. Bouman-Over
fam. C.J. Bouw
fam. A.G.J. van Boxtel
K.A. Brandenburg
fam. Th.C. Brandsen
fam. J.J.J. Breebaart
fam. J. Breel
fam. J. Brommersma
L.H.F. Brouwer
mevr. W. Bryan-Zegers de Beye en kind
fam. L.A. Burer
C. Bus
fam. A. Butter
fam. H.J.N. Calame
fam. Cheng Teik Lim
F.E. Cochins
fam. M. Cohen
fam. R.H. Cooke
G.A. Coppens
fam. F.H. Cordesius
fam. H.J. Cortel
fam. major R. Cotesworth
J.C.A. Crevels
fam. G.C. Dalman
fam. ir. W. van Dam
mej. B.A. Daniels
fam. ir. A. Dauvillier
mevr. E.W.C. Dauvillier-Matthijssen
fam. C.M.W. Davies
fam. colonel A.C. Davis
fam. J. Delacharlerie
mej. G.A. Dengerink
mevr. J.E.M. Derks-de Grood
mevr. G.M.M. van Devivere-Klette
fam. ir. E.H.P. Dingemans
F. Ditmer
mej. R. Doorman
G.J.A. van Dorst
mej. H. Dozij
J.A. van Duynen Montijn
mevr. A.H. van Dijk-van der Meer en kinderen
mevr. C.J.P. Dijkstra-Rensen en kind
mej. H.B. Ely
mevr. M.C.A. van Emden-Blijboom
fam. H. Esselink
L.P. van Everdingen
mr. O.W. van Ewijk
R.M. Fenenga
fam. D.F. Filet
fam. R.C. Fischer
fam. P.F.F.J. Franck
E. Friso
fam. J.E. Fuchs
G.L.R. Garreau
mevr. M.A. Gooding
fam. M.A. Gooszen
J. de Graaf
J.C.G. de Graaf
J. Grauf
fam. L.A. de Groot
H.R. van Ham
mej. D. van Harreveld
mevr. L. Harrison
mej. M.C. Harten
ir. D. Heinsdijk
fam. E.H. Hellendoorn
fam. G.M. Hendrikse
fam. Heng Kok Khoo
mej. C.M.A. Heres
T.B. Hobson
ds. J. Hofker
fam. W. Hoogstraten
P.K. Horner
mej. M. Horner
R.O.J.M. baron van Hövelt tot Westerflier
mej. A.M. Ingenhoes
M.H.E. Isaaks
dr. Phil. K. Iven
G. Jansen
fam. G.J. Jansen Jr.
fam. W.A. Jansen
S.J. Jerrard
fam. A. Kamp
fam. P. Kamstra
fam. M.A. ten Kate
Robert Keeble
fam. P.A. Kimmel
fam. S. van Kleef
B. Klooss (Kloss)
J. Klooss
fam. C. Kloot
fam. Th.L.F. van den Kolk
E.A.C. Koopman
fam. ir. M.J.F. Koopman
B. Koster
fam. L. Koster
mej. Cl.E. Koster
fam. E. Kraft
fam. A. Kram
fam. mr. A.H. Kramp
fam. F.E. Krejeik
mej. M.C.P. Kroese
fam. C.A. van der Kuip
L.G.L. van der Kun
K.H. Lageman
dr. J. Lazarus
L.B.F. de Leau
W.F.K. Lebbink
fam. Bishop Edwin F. Lee
captain L.F. Lerway-Day
fam. E.F.Th. Leijzers Vis
Liem Ping Hiok
ir. H. van Lingen
fam. J.J.H. van Loon
fam. E.A. Lück
H.P. Lugten
mej. C. Lynch
fam. C. Mackintosh Smith
A.B.L. Malasch
fam. J.P. Manuel
mevr. E.J. Manusiwa-Breetveld
fam. Th.M. Manz
mevr. T.E. Marrenga-Oosterheert
fam. G.F. Maurer
mej. L.I. Mc. Ewen
mej. J.M. Mc. Ewen
fam. E.H.C. Mengerink
fam. mr. H.J.G.H. van Metzsch
L.E.P. Mierop
fam. J. Miguel
C.H. Miguel
ir. A.P. Mioulet en kind
fam. R. Montigel
fam. R.B. van der Most
fam. G.J.J. Mulder
mej. M.C. Mulder
mevr. S. Mulder-van de Laar en kinderen
mevr. de wed. E.W. Mulholland-Goudriaan
fam. H.F.M. Müller
mevr. M.G. Mijnarends-Onnes
mevr. wed. E.O. van Nassau-Lemke
M.S.G. Newton
fam. J.D. Nienhuis
mej. M.J. Nieuwenhuis
mevr. G. Nollen
H. Noorloos
fam. G.A. Nije
L.J. Olthof
J.H.P. Oors
mevr. H.E. Overduin
W.A.C.D. Paehlig
fam. L.J.H. Pagnier
J. Palte
mevr. A. Pasman-Wijngaarden en kinderen
fam. P. Paulidus
J.A. Payralbe
fam. L. Pearce
T.S. Pearson
fam. O.K.L. Pelger
A. van der Perk
mej. E.M. Pickering
fam. H.M.F. van de Pieterman
fam. E.K. Poels
R. Poels
fam. L.H. Polak
D. Pot
fam. dr. H. Powell
mej. E. Powell
H.J. Prager
fam. W. Prins
fam. mr. I.C. de Regt
fam. A.H.F. van Reuth
fam. ir. A. Rierink
fam. ir. J.W.N. Rikkert
fam. H.M.C. Rings
fam. ir. E.C.M. Roderkerk
mevr. H.P. Roelofs-Bos
fam. R.K. van Royen
fam. H.A. Rubin
fam. A.M.J. van Rijn
mej. P. van Rijn
mej. N. van Rijn
A.V. Sam
S. Samuels
fam. E. van 't Sant Sr.
E. van 't Sant Jr.
jhr. W. de Savornin Lohman
S. van Schaik
fam. E.A. Scharpff
C.M. van der Schatte Olivier
fam. Ch.C. Schoewert
fam. K.J.W. Schoone
fam. J.F. Schouten
G. Schra
fam. G.E. Schwab
mej. G. Scott
fam. L.K. Sersansie
fam. J. Slob
fam. J. Smit
T.E.R. Smith
K. Sobering Zuithoff
mej. S. Soloveitchik
fam. A.E. van Someren
mevr. A.A.D. Spook en kind
O.B.H. Stärk
fam. C. van Steenwijk
fam. F.C. Stoetzer Baldinger
L. Swartjes
G.G. Tan
fam. J.H. van Temmen
C.H. Thole
fam. K.G. Tiel
H.H. van Toen
L.A. Toone
C. van der Toorn
fam. J. Tousijn
fam. E.S. Trigg
G. Trouerbach
mevr. M. Trumpp-Reich
mej. J.H. Uden Masman
fam. H. van der Vaart en baboe Paerah
fam. G.B. Valk
fam. J.H. Veenhuysen
J.E. Velthoek
mr. H.C.A. Vermolen
fam. ir. A.M. Verschoor
H. Vinkes
fam. ir. J.F. de Vogel
mej. E.L. de Vogel
A. van Volen
mej. J.V. Volwerk
mevr. C.M.W. de Waal-Richter en kind
fam. G.E.J.G. Wagemans
H.C. Weevers
J. Weintre
fam. C.M.A. Werrelman
mevr. J.L. Westerbaan en kind
mevr. R.V.E. Wilkinson
fam. J.L. Willems
mevr. J. Wijt
fam. N. Zimmer-Maroldt
fam. dr. J. van der Zwaal
mej. F.A.S. van der Zwaal
fam. N. de Zwart
voorts een transport schepelingen der Koninklijke Marine
[bron/source: Vaderland 20-11-1936, editie 1, blad 7]
* * *
Subject: ! *1* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:56:18 GMT
* HO 144/19517
Covering dates <> 1934
Scope and content <> Nationality and Naturalisation: DAAMS, Lizzie
[Re-admission] from the NETHERLANDS. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3924
issued 18 January 1934.
Access conditions <> Closed For 100 years
This document was closed under the Public Records Act or is exempt under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000. It is possible to request a review of the
information it contains under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and this
will trigger a review. Request review.
Closure status <> Closed Or Retained Document, Open Description
Held by <> The National Archives, Kew
Restrictions on use <>
* HO 405/11596
Covering dates <> 1949 Jan 01-1959 Dec 31
Scope and content <> DAAMS, W Date of Birth: 24.01.1926
Access conditions <> Closed For 100 years
Held by <> The National Archives, Kew
HO 45/9433/62878
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mackay, Donald James (Baron Mackay), from
the Netherlands.)
Naturalisation by Private Act of Parliament 40 and 41 Vict.1877
HO 45/9280/1451
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bromet, Henry, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A318 issued 14 April 1871.1871
HO 45/9285/2977
Nationality and Naturalisation: Levy, Moise, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A337 issued 4 May 1871.1871
HO 45/9310/13046
Nationality and Naturalisation: Oppenheimer, Hermann, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A752 issued 17 June 1872.1872
HO 45/9313/13945
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jacobson, Lewis Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A767 issued 29 June 1872.1872
HO 45/9316/15437
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boon, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A816 issued 18 September 1872.1872
HO 45/9342/22818
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lotinga, Mozes, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A1028 issued 16 June 1873.1873
HO 45/9365/35579
Nationality and Naturalisation: Michaelis, Philip, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A1442 issued 16 November 1874.1874
HO 45/9392/49178
Nationality and Naturalisation: Palmen, Franciscus Antonius, from the
Certificate A1746 issued 15 November 1875.1875
HO 45/9422/59335
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boas, Moses, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A2063 issued 14 November 1876.1876
HO 45/9452/69906
Nationality and Naturalisation: Matthes, Louis Charles, from the
Certificate A2474 issued 2 January 1878.1878
HO 45/9461/74288
Nationality and Naturalisation: Citroen, Cosman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London.
Certificate A2601 issued 7 June 1878.1878
HO 45/9466/76975
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stoop, Frederic Cornelius, from the
Resident in Surbiton. Certificate A2714 issued 13 September 1878.1878
HO 45/9579/84582
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fraser, Alexander, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate D25 issued 9 July 1879.1879
HO 144/42/85203
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pelgrim, Cornelis Johannes, from the
Resident in Cambridge. Certificate A2965 issued 18 July 1879.1879
HO 144/45/86748
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ledeboer, Herman Arnold, from the
Resident in Fallowfield. Certificate A3004 issued 2 September 1879.1879
HO 144/46/87055
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stoffels, John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Falmouth.
Certificate A3013 issued 16 September 1879.1879
HO 144/54/90701Nationality and Naturalisation: Gompertz, Aaron Simon, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in South Shields.
Certificate A3157 issued 11 February 1880.1880
HO 144/68/98787
Nationality and Naturalisation: Keizer, Nathan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A3371 issued 26 November 1880.1880
HO 144/76/A2529
Nationality and Naturalisation: Belinfante, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A3483 issued 23 June 1881.
HO 144/87/A8776
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gosschalk, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London.
Certificate A3554 issued 27 October 1881.1881
HO 144/88/A9323
Nationality and Naturalisation: Eekhout, Bernard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Glasgow.
Certificate A3577 issued 9 December 1881.1881
HO 144/88/A10110
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ledeboer, John Berend, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Mottram-in-Langdendale. Certificate A3778 issued 4 October
HO 144/143/A37368
Nationality and Naturalisation: Narik, Richard Peter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A4195 issued 17 November 1884.1884
HO 144/144/A37795
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Tiel, Jacobus Salomon Hymans, from The
Resident in Manchester. Certificate A4218 issued 17 December 1884.1884
HO 144/157/A40755
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Jongh, Alexander, from The Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A4372 issued 14 September 1885.1885
HO 144/161/A41595
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gorsira, Cornelius, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A4493 issued 11 December 1885.1885
HO 144/161/A41630
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schaap, Magnus Levy, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A4470 issued 20 January 1886.1886
HO 144/173/A43939
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rose, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A4681 issued 23 July 1886.1886
HO 144/181/A44867
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gelder, Jacobus Bernardus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A4961 issued 8 October 1886.1886
HO 144/182/A45067
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kalker, Samuel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A5021 issued 4 November 1886.1886
HO 144/184/A45528
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nolet, Arnold Adrian, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A5088 issued 10 December 1886.1886
HO 144/292/B1382
Nationality and Naturalisation: Coenen, Wilhelmus Antonius, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A5427 issued 11 June 1887.1887
HO 144/293/B1570
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bronkhorst, Antonius Engelbertus, from the
Resident in Woolwich. Certificate A5457 issued 12 July 1887.1887
HO 144/305/B5091
Nationality and Naturalisation: Salomonson, Johan Louis, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Loughton. Certificate A5897 issued 20 September
HO 144/306/B5295
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bosman, Charles Henry Maurice, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A5955 issued 16 November 1888.1888
HO 144/306/B5397
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stoop, Cornelius Frank, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A5976 issued 29 November 1888.1888
HO 144/308/B5722
Nationality and Naturalisation: Groos, Carl Wilhelm, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London.
Certificate A6033 issued 15 February 1889.1889
HO 144/309/B5962
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bannet, Joshua, from The Netherlands.
Resident in London.
Certificate A6135 issued 21 May 1889.1889
HO 144/311/B6264
Nationality and Naturalisation: Averdonk, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Lancaster.
Certificate A6124 issued 6 May 1889.1889
Subject: ! *2* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:57:18 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/313/B7049
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hirsch, Samuel Abraham, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A6187 issued 12 August
HO 144/313/B7066
Nationality and Naturalisation: Aganoor, Petrus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A6226 issued 18 September 1889.1889
HO 144/318/B8068
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ebeling, Anthony Frederick, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Ryde. Certificate A6379 issued 25 April 1890.1890
HO 144/324/B9867
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beute, Martinus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A6593 issued 26 January 1891.1891
HO 144/329/B10865
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Cleef, Natpthalie Henry, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A6773 issued 20 July 1891.1891
HO 144/336/B11898
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wiener, Isidore, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A7078 issued 21 April 1892.1892
HO 144/340/B12695
Nationality and Naturalisation: Drucker, Charles Gustavus Adolphus, from The
Resident in Blandford. Certificate A7148 issued 25 June 1892.1892
HO 144/349/B14218
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rikoff, Martin Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A7480 issued 19 April 1893.1893
HO 144/354/B14935
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gros, Henri, from the Netherlands. R
esident in London. Certificate A7636 issued 2 September 1893.1893
HO 144/359/B15942
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Essen, Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A7848 issued 31 March 1894.1894
HO 144/381/B19367N
ationality and Naturalisation: Bentinck, John William Henry, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A8588 issued 2 November 1895.1895
HO 144/382/B19564
Nationality and Naturalisation: Herder, Christian, from the Netherlands.
Resident in South Shields. Certificate A8644 issued 14 December 1895.1895
HO 144/386/B20286
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bronkhorst, John Anthony, from the
Resident in Woolwich. Certificate A8972 issued 30 April 1896.1896
HO 144/387/B20349
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hessels, Jan Hendrick, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cambridge.
Certificate A8772 issued 11 April 1896.1896
HO 144/392/B21010
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stibbe, Godfrey, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dumbarton.
Certificate A9040 issued 5 June 1896.1896
HO 144/411/B24327
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hardenberg, Edward Francis Herman, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A9749 issued 12 July 1897.1897
HO 144/421/B25984
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Hessel, from The Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate A11410 issued 27 March 1900.1900
HO 144/433/B28027
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wiener, Alfred, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A10727 issued 9 March 1899.1899
HO 144/434/B28248N
ationality and Naturalisation: Smyter, Reiner Edward, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A10669 issued 21 January 1899.1899
HO 144/436/B28570
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Lennep, Cyril Charles Ogilvy, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A6673 issued 21 April 1891.1891
HO 144/436/B28671
Nationality and Naturalisation: Heyblom, Henri, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A10944 issued 29 June 1899.1899
HO 144/439/B29068
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hartog, Henri Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A10833 issued 19 April 1899.1899
HO 144/439/B29069
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cats, Hartog, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A10832 issued 19 April 1899.1899
HO 144/441/B29400
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bruyn, Willem Lodewijk Albert van
Oosterwijk, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Walton-on-Thames. Certificate A10945 issued 1 July 1899.1899
HO 144/441/B29410
Nationality and Naturalisation: Haas, Hendrik Christian, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A10843 issued 21 April 1899.1899
HO 144/441/B29444
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engwaard, George Peter, from the
Resident in Newport. Certificate A10866 issued 4 May 1899.1899
HO 144/442/B29568
Nationality and Naturalisation: Scholte, Friedrich Petrus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A10885 issued 18 May 1899.1899
HO 144/444/B29865
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Beaufort, Arnond Jan from The
Resident in London. Certificate A10917 issued 14 June 1899.1899
HO 144/445/B30023
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mossel, Samuel Solomon, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A11017 issued 8 August 1899.1899
HO 144/447/B30275
Nationality and Naturalisation: Antink, Herbert Christian Hendrik, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A11455 issued 17 April 1900.1900
HO 144/448/B30385
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sanders, Louis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11052 issued 4 September 1899.1899
HO 144/450/B30690
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Gulik, Gerard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11151 issued 28 October 1899.1899
HO 144/452/B30958
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Groot, Elias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11205 issued 5 December 1899.1899
HO 144/453/B31088
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Linde, Solomon Henry, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A11242 issued 21 December 1899.1899
HO 144/455/B31483
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mom, Henry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Colne. Certificate A11307 issued 31 January 1900.1900
HO 144/455/B31528
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smits, Gerard Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11354 issued 27 February 1900.1900
HO 144/456/B31645
Nationality and Naturalisation: Westrik, Theodore, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11376 issued 13 March 1900.1900
HO 144/457/B31762
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Veen, Ybele Geerts, from the
Resident in Leicester. Certificate A11440 issued 10 April 1900.1900
HO 144/459/B32038
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Meyier, Johann, from The Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Thames. Certificate A11509 issued 28 May 1900.1900
HO 144/460/B32074
Nationality and Naturalisation: Reindorp, John Edmund Marie Hubert, from the
Resident in Beckenham. Certificate A11539 issued 7 June 1900.1900
HO 144/460/B32112
Nationality and Naturalisation: Weebers, Anton Adriaan Marie, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A11544 issued 12 June 1900.1900
HO 144/461/B32231
Nationality and Naturalisation: Toff, Gerard, from the Netherlands. Resident
in London.
Certificate A11597 issued 25 July 1900.1900
HO 144/462/B32462
Nationality and Naturalisation: Capadose, Esther, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Albury.
Certificate A11661 issued 22 September 1900.1900
HO 144/462/B32463
Nationality and Naturalisation: Capadose, Hendrika Jacoba, from the
Resident in Albury. Certificate A11620 issued 15 August 1900.1900
HO 144/463/B32535
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bles, Joseph, from The Netherlands.
Resident in Alderley Edge. Certificate A11672 issued 1 October 1900.1900
HO 144/464/B32667
Nationality and Naturalisation: Troostwyk, Gabriel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A11694 issued 27 October 1900.1900
HO 144/464/B32703
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Lange, Herman, from The Netherlands.
Resident in London.
Certificate A11749 issued 22 November 1900.1900
HO 144/613/B33121
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van den Heuval, Alphonsus Maria Arnoldus,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 11829 issued 17 January 1901.1901
HO 144/644/B37854
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Moppes, Louis Meyer, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate 12507 issued 16 April 1902.1902
HO 144/682/102323
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Smitt, Samuel Louis, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate 13101 issued 17 December 1902.1902
HO 144/968/B28120
Nationality and Naturalisation: Iburg, Louis Charles (known as Louis Charles
Towers), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Golders Green, Middlesex.
Certificate 24890 issued 17 March 1914. Nationality and Naturalisation:
Iburg, Charles Louis Henri, from the Netherlands.1914-1916
HO 144/1032/174817
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Koert, Cornelius Gerardus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Brighton. Certificate 4556 issued 23 September
HO 144/1034/177771
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sartory, Peter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 21932 issued 2 May 1912.1912
HO 144/1110/201661
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roco, Samson Jechiel, from
The Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 19931 issued 7 February
HO 144/1145/209418
Nationality and Naturalisation: Tjaden, Albrecht Johannes,
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 2813 issued 3
September 1917.1917
HO 144/1269/238498
Nationality and Naturalisation: Huisman, jan Meines, from
The Netherlands. Resident in Wallington, Surrey. Certificate 23756 issued 21
July 1913.1913
HO 144/1290/243523
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wamsteeker, Franciscus
Antonius (since known as Franciscus Antonius Wamsteeker Brigg), from the
Netherlands. Resident in Manor Park, Essex. Certificate 24449 issued 17
HO 144/1290/243722
Nationality and Naturalisation: Philips, Abraham Zadok, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 25175 issued 21 May 1914.1914
HO 144/1293/244463
Nationality and Naturalisation: Prince, Nathan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 24553 issued 17 December
HO 144/1294/244852
Nationality and Naturalisation: Muller, Moses, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 24578 issued 20 December 1913.
Subject: ! *3* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:58:20 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/1294/244853
Nationality and Naturalisation: Muller, Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 24577 issued 20 December 1913.1913
HO 144/1296/245345
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kattenburg, Henry Joseph, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Willesden Green, Middlesex. Certificate 24661
issued 9 January
HO 144/1296/245444
Nationality and Naturalisation: Alta, Jacobus Dirk (junior), from the
Netherlands. Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 24771 issued 12
HO 144/1297/245579
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lambooey, Theodore, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Exeter. Certificate 25555 issued 29 June 1914.1914
HO 144/1301/247316
Nationality and Naturalisation: Seuren, Martinus Hubertus, from the
Netherlands. R
esident in Bathgate, Linlithgowshire. Certificate 24781 issued 17 February
HO 144/1303/247941
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Roeper, Jacobus Philippus, from the
Resident in Upminster, Essex. Certificate 25077 issued 2 May 1914.1914
HO 144/1307/249212
Nationality and Naturalisation: van den Heuvel, Jacques, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 24993 issued 21 April 1914.1914
HO 144/1308/249323N
ationality and Naturalisation: van der Ent, Jan Anthony, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 25055 issued 28 April 1914.1914
HO 144/1308/249324
Nationality and Naturalisation: Carpentier, Gustave Francois Lamoral
Stanilas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 25386 issued 4 August 1914.1914
HO 144/1310/249929
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vogel, Francois Willem Cornelis, from the
Resident in Lynton, Devon. Certificate 25011 issued 21 April 1914.1914
HO 144/1310/250072
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kouwenhoven, Emma Harriett, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 3,520 issued 3 December 1918.
HO 144/1310/250251
Nationality and Naturalisation: Uchtman, William, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 25043 issued 28 April 1914.1914
HO 144/1311/250394
Nationality and Naturalisation: Haak, Martin, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 25320 issued 2 July 1914. Serving in a
British ship.1914
HO 144/1312/250719
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Rooyen, Jacques Samson, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 25215 issued 5 June 1914.1914
HO 144/1312/250768
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kanaar, Gerard John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Merton, Surrey. Certificate 25247 issued 12 June 1914.1914
HO 144/1312/250873
Nationality and Naturalisation: Riese, Andre Magnus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certficate 25151 issued 15 May 1914.1914
HO 144/1315/251342
Nationality and Naturalisation: Karsten, Germany, from the Netherlands.
Resident in St. Blazey, Cornwall. Certificate 25267 issued 16 June 1914.
Serving in a British ship.1914
HO 144/1320/253060
Nationality and Naturalisation: Imkamp, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Normanton, Yorks. Certificate 25392 issued 4 August 1914.1914
HO 144/1321/253442
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Ulsen, Dirk, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 25554 issued 1 October 1914.1914
HO 144/1322/253745
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Heel, Abraham Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 25466 issued 2 September 1914.
HO 144/1328/255258
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spaan, Leonardus Augustinus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 25703 issued 9 December 1914.1914
HO 144/1330/255701
Nationality and Naturalisation: Buitenhuis, Johan Martienis, from the
Resident in Ilford. Certificate 560 issued 14 April 1915.1915
HO 144/1330/255733
Nationality and Naturalisation: Baszanger, Constant Isaac, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Golders Green, Middlesex. Certificate 522 issued 8
HO 144/1330/255741
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wories, Willem Jacobus, from the
Resident in Finchley, Middlesex. Certificate 52 issued 26 January 1915.1915
HO 144/1331/256036
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schonfeld, Pieter Leonard, from the
Resident in Palmers Green, Middx. Certificate 246 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1331/256087
Nationality and Naturalisation: Knipmeyer, Anton, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cheshunt. Certificate 330 issued 16 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1333/256423
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kral, William Casimir Karel, from the
Netherlands. Resident in West Drayton. Certificate 311 issued 18 March
HO 144/1333/256567
Nationality and Naturalisation: Surie, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 171 issued 19 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1334/256771
Nationality and Naturalisation: Janssen, Antonius Wilhelmus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 310 issued 18 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1334/256798
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Vries, Egbert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 141 issued 12 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1334/256936
Nationality and Naturalisation: van de Pol, Jan Paul, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Shrewsbury. Certificate 103 issued 3 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1334/256986
Nationality and Naturalisation: Meinesz, Jelle, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Esher. Certificate 245 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1335/257042
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schippers, Franciscus Gijsbertus, from the
Resident in Brighouse. Certificate 328 issued 22 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1335/257296
Nationality and Naturalisation: Von Pirch, George August Werner, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,223 issued 14 October 1915.1915
HO 144/1336/257403
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zoest, Philippus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 212 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1337/257658
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boonstra, Tgitze, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Horwich. Certificate 237 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1337/257680Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Druten, Wilhelmus,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 109 issued 4 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1337/257801Nationality and Naturalisation: Witstyn, Isaac, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 133 issued 12 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1337/257883
Nationality and Naturalisation: Simons, Meyer, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 8 issued 4 February 1915. Simons, Anna.
Child of Meyer Simons. Certificate B 8. Simons, Geertruida. Child of Meyer
Simons. Certificate B 8.1915
HO 144/1337/257910
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koudenburg, Douwe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in East Ham. Certificate 278 issued 12 March 1915.
HO 144/1338/257970
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Hoboken, Anthony, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Epsom. Certificate 81 issued 2 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1339/258267
Nationality and Naturalisation: de la Valette, John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 25733 issued 23 December 1914.1914
HO 144/1339/258333
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vlieger, Adriaan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wood Green. Certificate 73 issued 28 January 1915.1915
HO 144/1340/258521
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stieglitz, William Cornelius, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 253 issued 6 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1340/258583
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jansen, Hendrik Bernardus, from the
Resident in Bexhill-on-Sea. Certificate 952 issued 12 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1340/258613
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rieder, Hendrik Julius Rudolf, from the
Resident in Modbury, Devon. Certificate 780 issued 10 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1341/258693
Nationality and Naturalisation: Speelman, Machiel (known as Michel Alexander
Speelman), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 98 issued 3 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1341/258694
Nationality and Naturalisation: Speelman, Wessel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 97 issued 3 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1342/259142
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lauer, Emiel Jacobus Petrus, from the
Resident in Chatham. Certificate 132 issued 12 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1342/259161
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rozelaar, Louis Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 222 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1343/259200
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jolis, Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 690 issued 4 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1343/259211
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zambaux, Joseph Carel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 224 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1343/259342
Nationality and Naturalisation: Blumentritt, Ferdinand, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 656 issued 23 April
HO 144/1345/259598
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boeck, Edith Harriet, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate 1 issued 15 January 1915.
HO 144/1345/259711
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sanders, Marcus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bowes Park, Middlesex. Certificate 382 issued 17 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1345/259759
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boering, Martinet Cornelus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 216 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1347/260024
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schmitz, Johann Wilhelm Joseph, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Barking. Certificate 877 issued 25 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1348/260289
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Steen, Jacobus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 3,067 issued 15 March 1918.1918
HO 144/1348/260317
Nationality and Naturalisation: Thomas, Harry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 738 issued 5 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1348/260321
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verwymeren, Adrianus Joannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate B 50 issued 18 May 1915.
Cornelia Herica. Child of Adrianus Joannes Verwymeren. Certificate B 50.
Verwymeren, Jacobus Adrianus.
HO 144/1349/260367
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leuw, Marcus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 766 issued 10 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1349/260426
Nationality and Naturalisation: d'Oliveira, Louis Jessurun, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 881 issued 27 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1349/260468
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jansen, Gerhard Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Plaistow. Certificate 389 issued 24 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1349/260487
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boelhomver, Arie Corneles, from the
Resident in Portsmouth. Certificate 476 issued 31 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1350/260557
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolf, Leonard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 976 issued 18 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1350/260624
Nationality and Naturalisation: Langerak, Marinus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 21 issued 18 March 1915. Langerak,
Henriette Maria Constance. Child of Marinus Langerak. Certificate B 21.1915
HO 144/1351/260715
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Andel, Hendrik Roelof, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Great Cosby. Certificate 374 issued 17 March
HO 144/1351/260753
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wildeman, Gerardus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate 379 issued 17 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1352/261014
Nationality and Naturalisation: Prins, Lodewijk (known as Lewis Prins), from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 554 issued 14 April
HO 144/1352/261020
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Leeuwen, Abram, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Golders Green. Certificate 969 issued 4 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1352/261034
Nationality and Naturalisation: Marckx, Leopold Eugene, from the
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 880 issued 27 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1353/261192
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gezink, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 2,339 issued 18 November 1916.1916
HO 144/1353/261204
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koster, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 759 issued 10 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1353/261213
Nationality and Naturalisation: Antweiler, Louis Auguste Mourice, from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 498 issued 31 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1354/261236
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brink, Johan Bernard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Willesden. Certificate 2,412 issued 8 May 1917.1917
HO 144/1354/261266
Nationality and Naturalisation: Faure, Henry Martinus Frederik, from the
Resident in Claygate, Surrey. Certificate 1,140 issued 30 August 1915.1915
HO 144/1354/261412
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zambaux, Dominique, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,037 issued 6 July 1915.1915
HO 144/1354/261439
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Veen, Geert Menno, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Manchester. Certificate 951 issued 12 June
HO 144/1355/261463
Nationality and Naturalisation: Presburg, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leeds. Certificate 505 issued 31 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1355/261539
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hamburger, Maurits (known as H. Maurice),
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 1,020 issued 28 June
Subject: ! *4* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
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Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:59:22 GMT
(970 hits)
[zoek ook op naturalitition in London Gazette:
http://www.gazettes-online.co.uk/archiveSearch.asp?webType=0 ]
HO 144/1356/261635
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jolis, Hartog (known as Herman Jolis), from
the Netherlands. Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 861 issued 25 May
HO 144/1357/261724
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wertheim, Mari Paul Johan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Cheadle, Cheshire. Certificate 700 issued 4 May
HO 144/1357/261751
Nationality and Naturalisation: Benavente, Arnold, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,114 issued 16 August 1916.1916
HO 144/1357/261775
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dubbeldam, Klaas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Worsley, Lancs. Certificate 346 issued 17 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1358/261894
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Groot, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 653 issued 23 April 1915.1915
HO 144/1360/262229
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cordes, Gerald Henry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Certificate 693 issued 4 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1360/262354
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engels, Laurence, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 807 issued 13 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1362/262715
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koenen, Frederik Hendrik, from the
Resident in Stockport. Certificate 1,952 issued 9 June 1916.1916
HO 144/1363/262817
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Anrooy, Anton Abraham, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 984 issued 24 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1363/262903
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jurjans, Arend, from the Netherlands.
Resident in St.Leonards-on-Sea. Certificate 1,106 issued 5 August 1915.1915
HO 144/1363/262955
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Edward, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Southport. Certificate 553 issued 8 April 1915.1915
HO 144/1363/262982
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bronkhorst, Hyman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,045 issued 20 July 1916.1916
HO 144/1363/262985
Nationality and Naturalisation: Camfferman, John James, from the
Resident in Whetstone, Middlesex. Certificate 660 issued 4 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1365/263324
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wichers, Johan Hora, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Beckenham. Certificate B 56 issued 3 June 1915. Wichers, Charles
Ludolph. Child of Johan Hora Wichers. Certificate B 56.1915
HO 144/1365/263474
Nationality and Naturalisation: Couwenhoven, Adrianus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,001 issued 24 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1365/263507
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Grood, Rudolph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 2,313 issued 8 November 1916.1916
HO 144/1366/263707
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schluper, Jan Willem Hubert, from the
Resident in Harrogate. Certificate 960 issued 18 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1367/263770
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Betting, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 1,143 issued 30 August 1915.1915
HO 144/1367/263903
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smith, Joseph, from the Netherlands. R
esident in London. Certificate 307 issued 18 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1367/263915
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verdult, Josephus Jacobus, from the
Resident in Hendon. Certificate 2,034 issued 12 July 1916
HO 144/1369/264349
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jansen, Theodore Johan, from the
Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 1,540 issued 18 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1370/264424
Nationality and Naturalisation: del Valle, Jacob (known as Pablo del Vallo),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,598 issued 3 February 1916.1916
HO 144/1370/264453
Nationality and Naturalisation: Duys, Johan Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bath. Certificate 1,016 issued 28 June 1915.1915
HO 144/1370/264590
Nationality and Naturalisation: Groll, Johannes Ferdinand, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 198 issued 24 February 1915.1915
HO 144/1371/264667
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Zoest, Martinus Hendricus Johannes
(known as Martin Handon), from the Netherlands. Resident in Gerrards Cross,
Bucks. Certificate 1,359 issued 3 December 1915.1915
HO 144/1371/264677
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Munster, Maximiliaan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 1,878 issued 10 May 1916.1916
HO 144/1371/264720
Nationality and Naturalisation: Biemens, Martin, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 25647 issued 30 October 1914.1914
HO 144/1372/264959
Nationality and Naturalisation: Krull, Bonno Julius Leopold, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Hendon. Certificate 1,227 issued 14 October
HO 144/1372/264996
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van den Bok, Adrian, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 233 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1372/264997
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Ryn, Henry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Willesden, Middlesex. Certificate 1,532 issued 18 January
HO 144/1373/265146
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fortuin, Dirk (known as Richard Fortune),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,307 issued 8 November 1916.1916
HO 144/1374/265241
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fischer, Wilhelm Karel Oscar, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,542 issued 18 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1375/265572
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smit, Albert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bath. Certificate 244 issued 5 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1375/265577
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vanderwerff, Dominicus Andreas, from the
Resident in Forest Gate. Certificate 296 issued 18 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1375/265586
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bisschop, Willem Roosegaard, from the Nether
Resident in London. Certificate 1,145 issued 2 September 1915.1915
HO 144/1376/265758
Nationality and Naturalisation: Laudy, Marie Joseph (known as Joseph Laudy),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sutton. Certificate 2,244 issued 11 October 1916.1916
HO 144/1376/265765
Nationality and Naturalisation: Levy, Constance Elise (known as Lieska
Levy), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,022 issued 1 July 1916.1916
HO 144/1377/265994
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Smitt, Bernard (known as Bernard de
Smith), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,580 issued 1 February 1916.1916
HO 144/1378/266330
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vos, Arnold, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,960 issued 15 June 1916.1916
HO 144/1379/266444
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Maria Mary Ann, from the
Resident in Salford. Certificate 2,015 issued 1 July 1916.
HO 144/1379/266445
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Miranda Maurice, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,476 issued 4 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1379/266452
Nationality and Naturalisation: Franssen, Martinus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bathgate, Co.Linlithgow. Certificate 1,559 issued 25 January
HO 144/1379/266637
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Geuns, Philip, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,749 issued 1 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1380/266796
Nationality and Naturalisation: Colaco Osorio, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Willesden. Certificate B.153 issued 26 June 1917. Colaco Osario,
Fernando. Child of David Colaco Osario. Certificate B.153.1917
HO 144/1380/266797
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ottenvanger, John Henry, from the
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 395 issued 24 March 1915.1915
HO 144/1380/266844
Nationality and Naturalisation: Meyer, Gerardus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,865 issued 8 May 1916.1916
HO 144/1381/267152
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hartmans, Wilhelmus Leonardus, from the
Resident in Brighton. Certificate 664 issued 4 May 1915.1915
HO 144/1382/267508
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zeylmans Van Emmichoven, Peter Cornelius,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Halifax. Certificate 1,712 issued 17 March 1916.1916
HO 144/1382/267691
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gerritse, Morris (known as Morris Garretts),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,558 issued 25 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1382/267693
Nationality and Naturalisation: Garretts, Tobias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,919 issued 29 May 1916.1916
HO 144/1383/267830
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hoefftcke, Carel August, from the
Resident in Thames Ditton, Surrey. Certificate B 1 issued 27 January 1915.
Hoefftcke, Vivien Irene. Child of Carel August Hoefftcke. Certificate B
HO 144/1384/267972
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ruwe, John Bernard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in North Shields. Certificate 2,274 issued 26 October 1916.1916
HO 144/1384/267977
Nationality and Naturalisation: Senator, Benjamin Jacob, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,194 issued 24 September 1915.1915
HO 144/1386/268515
Nationality and Naturalisation: Iserief, Gerardus Henricus Marie (known as
Gerard Henry Marie Iserief), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 1,922 issued 29 May 1916.1916
HO 144/1387/268750
Nationality and Naturalisation: Italiaander, William, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,258 issued 24 October 1916.1916
HO 144/1387/268781
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pruim, Benjamin, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,569 issued 27 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1387/268788
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schaap, Benjamin (known as Benjamin Sharp),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,029 issued 5 July 1915.1915
HO 144/1387/268798
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vandermeer, Johannes Josephus, from the
Resident in Great Bowden, Leicestershire. Certificate 1,477 issued 4 January
HO 144/1387/268805
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sanders, Marcus David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,151 issued 28 July 1919.1919
HO 144/1387/268816
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kesseler, Johannes Henderikes, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,657 issued 19 February 1916.
HO 144/1388/268893
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nabarro, Solomon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dublin. Certificate 1,164 issued 16 September 1915.1915
HO 144/1388/268895
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Koert, Henry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,746 issued 1 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1388/268911
Nationality and Naturalisation: Abbing, Johannes Bernardus, from the
Resident in Ashton-under-Lyne. Certificate 2,213 issued 29 Septemebr
HO 144/1388/268922
Nationality and Naturalisation: Diepenheim, Hermione Adolphine, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,543 issued 18 January 1916.
HO 144/1388/268939
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leek, Juda (known as Julius Leek), from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 1,261 issued 18 October 1915.1915
HO 144/1389/269343
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roest, Esther Jane, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,504 issued 26 April 1917.
HO 144/1391/269660
Nationality and Naturalisation: Merle, Francois, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Winchmore Hill,
Middlesex. Certificate 1,644 issued 18 February 1916.1916
HO 144/1391/269716
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brynen, Wilhelmus Pieter, from the
Resident in High Wycombe. Certificate 2,164 issued 19 September 1916.1916
HO 144/1391/269734
Nationality and Naturalisation: Winter, Joseph Gysbertus, from the
Resident in High Wycombe. Certificate B 111 issued 2 May 1916. Winter,
Elizabeth Cornelia. Child of Joseph Gysbertus Winter. Certificate B 111.
Winter, Geertruida Gerdina.1916
HO 144/1391/270030
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mol, Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Rathfriland, Co. Down. Certificate 536 issued 8 April 1915.1915
HO 144/1392/270092
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Hulst, Andries Johannes Coenraad, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,354 issued 23 November 1916.1916
HO 144/1393/270487
Nationality and Naturalisation: Groothuis, John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ryhope, Durham Co. Certificate 1,863 issued 5 May 1916.1916
HO 144/1394/270514
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mayer, Nicholas Peter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,999 issued 27 June 1916.1916
HO 144/1394/270534
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boverhoff, Sep Bast, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,144 issued 29 August 1916.1916
HO 144/1394/270536
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Groot, Charles Martenus, from the
Resident in Plaistow, Essex. Certificate 1,352 issued 23 November 1915.1915
HO 144/1397/271115
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Heyden, Joseph Dorotheus Maria, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Rushden, Northants. Certificate 3,574 issued 30 December 1918.
van der Heyden, Peter, from the Netherlands. Resident in Rushden.
Certificate 3,140 issued 22 April 1918.1918
HO 144/1398/271301
Nationality and Naturalisation: Steeksma, John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 1,795 issued 19 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1398/271381
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spaanderman, Lydia Mary, from the
Resident in Lincoln. Certificate B 113 issued 11 May 1916. Re-admission.
Spaanderman, Pieter Derrick John. Child of Lydia Mary Spaanderman.
Certificate B 113.1916
HO 144/1398/271503
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sloot, Nicolaas Carel Lodewyk, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,821 issued 26 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1398/271519
Nationality and Naturalisation: Suringer, Florence Isabel Mary Stephenson,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hutton, Essex. Certificate 1,450 issued 4 January 1916.
HO 144/1399/271769
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bierings, Peter Joseph, from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 1,776 issued 15 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1401/272813
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engeler, Alida Elizabeth, from the
Resident in Staines. Certificate 2,445 issued 8 May 1917.1917
HO 144/1406/273907
Nationality and Naturalisation: Posthuma, Margaret Philippa Rose, from the
Resident in Braunton, Devon. Certificate 111 issued 4 February 1915.
HO 144/1408/274482
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kuiper, Albany Gerardus John, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,688 issued 9 March 1916.1916
HO 144/1408/274598
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kos, Simon Frederik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Colchester. Certificate 3,500 issued 26 November 1918.1918
HO 144/1408/274730
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Lennep, Eric Ernest, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 4,166 issued 20 June 1919.1919
HO 144/1409/275069
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Oppen, Pier, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 2,375 issued 1 December
HO 144/1409/275173
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rutgers, Catherine Mary Ann (known as
Catherine Mary Ann Rogers), from the Netherlands. Resident in Cricklewood.
Certificate 1,092 issued 5 August 1915. Re-admission.1915
HO 144/1410/275480
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Benis, Nicolaas Antonie, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,074 issued 27 July 1915.1915
HO 144/1410/275481
Nationality and Naturalisation: Buket, Maria Anna (known as Maria Anna
Hewson), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Snaith, Yorks. Certificate 1,444 issued 4 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1413/276608
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kroon, Maria Amalia, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,155 issued 9 September 1915.1915
HO 144/1415/277250
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Linden, John Henry, from the
Resident in Surbiton. Certificate 2,240 issued 11 October 1916.1916
HO 144/1416/277507
Nationality and Naturalisation: Tigchelaar, Sarah Matilda, from the
Resident in Forest Gate. Certificate 1,238 issued 15 October 1915.
HO 144/1416/277764
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Waals, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sapperton, Glos. Certificate 1,703 issued 15 March 1916.1916
HO 144/1417/278122
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lyndrajer, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B.121 issued 16 August 1916. Lyndrajer, Amy
Ida Anna. Child of Pieter Lyndrajer. Certificate B.121. Lyndrajer, Donald
Pieter. Child of Pieter Lyndrajer.1916
HO 144/1420/279309
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Eyck, Sophia Jane, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Harrogate. Certificate 1,182 issued 20 September 1915.
HO 144/1421/280058
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kup, Frederick Anton, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,593 issued 1 February 1916.1916
HO 144/1422/280686
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Veer, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,198 issued 20 September 1916.1916
HO 144/1422/280914
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Riel, Henry Francis, from the
Resident in Eastbourne. Certificate 4,402 issued 2 September 1919.1919
HO 144/1423/282388
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nieuwerf, Cornelis Wilhelmus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Birkenhead. Certificate 2,119 issued 16 August
Subject: ! *5* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:00:30 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/1426/286117
Nationality and Naturalisation: Holtzheuser, Daniel Peter (known as Peter
Holtz), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 1,975 issued 27 June 1916.1916
HO 144/1426/286121
Nationality and Naturalisation: Proper, Bernardus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in New Barnet. Certificate 1,459 issued 4 January 1916.1916
HO 144/1431/291756
Nationality and Naturalisation: Besier, Richard Albert, from the
Resident in Cobham, Surrey. Certificate 1,314 issued 12 November 1915.1915
HO 144/1432/295317
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Zeeuw, Leonard Aart, from the
Resident in Selby, Yorks. Certificate B.175 issued 25 March 1918. De Zeeuw,
Hugh. Child of Leonard Aart De Zeeuw. Certificate B.175.1918
HO 144/1433/295587
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vlieger, Catharine Cecilia, from the
Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate B.85 issued 18 October 1915.
Re-admission. de Vlieger, Catharine Jean. Child of Catharine Cecilia de
Vlieger. Certificate B.85. de Vlieger, Raymond Algernon Coote.1915
HO 144/1435/296635
Nationality and Naturalisation: Frenk, Margaret, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Liverpool. Certificate 1,461 issued 4 January 1916.
HO 144/1436/298131
Nationality and Naturalisation: Holle, Caroline Phebe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Felixstowe. Certificate 1,518 issued 18 January 1916.
HO 144/1438/299056
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mulder, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,784 issued 13 August 1917.1917
HO 144/1438/299579
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Sprenkel, Marie Elisabeth
Berkelbach, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 218 issued 6 June 1919. Van der Sprenkel,
Otte Pierre Nicolas. Child of Marie Elisabeth Berkelbach Van der Sprenkel.
Certificate B 218.1919
HO 144/1438/299692
Nationality and Naturalisation: Deterding, Henri, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kelling, Holt, Norfolk. Certificate C.10 issued 16 December
HO 144/1440/301654
Nationality and Naturalisation: Luca, William Rodger, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 1,974 issued 15 June 1916.1916
HO 144/1440/301827
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Baars, John William Bernard, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 2,423 issued 2 January 1917.1917
HO 144/1442/302829
Nationality and Naturalisation: Posthuma, James Bartele, from the
Resident in Sunderland. Certificate 1,780 issued 18 April 1916.1916
HO 144/1443/304128
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kup, Eleanor, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,584 issued 1 February 1916.
HO 144/1443/304198
Nationality and Naturalisation: van den Arend, Frederik, from the
Resident in Rugby. Certificate 3,410 issued 4 October 1918.1918
HO 144/1445/306082
Nationality and Naturalisation: Turing, Florence Ellen, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 1,692 issued 9 March 1916.1916
HO 144/1445/306135
Nationality and Naturalisation: Turing, Julia, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,689 issued 9 March 1916.1916
HO 144/1446/306535
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Hessel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 4,592 issued 16 September
HO 144/1447/307979
Nationality and Naturalisation: Martin, Amy Louisa, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,792 issued 18 April 1916.
HO 144/1448/308724
Nationality and Naturalisation: Reepmaker, Harry Adrian, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 4,719 issued 23 September 1919. Reepmaker,
John Christian, from the Netherlands. Resident in Twickenham. Certificate
1,762 issued 17 April 1916.
HO 144/1450/309454
Nationality and Naturalisation: Duparc, Mozes (known as Morris Duparc), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Willesden. Certificate 2,016 issued 1 July 1916.1916
HO 144/1450/309749
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hymans, Charles, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,839 issued 17 September 1917.1917
HO 144/1450/309842
Nationality and Naturalisation: Slieker, Henri Kasper, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Palmers Green, Middx. Certificate 2,247 issued 31 October
HO 144/1451/310081Nationality and Naturalisation: De Fries, Isaac Lion
(known as Isaac Lion Defries), from the Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate 5,251 issued 13 December 1919.1919
HO 144/1451/310462
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nathan, Alice, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,603 issued 27 April 1917. Nathan, Anna
(known as Annie Nathan), from the Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate 2,605 issued 27 April 1917. Nathan, Klara (known as Clara
Nathan), from the Netherlands.1917
HO 144/1452/310836
Nationality and Naturalisation: Croockewit, Frances Alice, from the
Resident in Shepherdswell, Kent. Certificate 3,082 issued 25 March 1918.1918
HO 144/1452/310976
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Salk, Maria, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 1,976 issued 27 June 1916. Re-admission.1916
HO 144/1452/311463
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Laat, Jacobus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 2,282 issued 30 October 1916.1916
HO 144/1454/312162
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mahler, Catherine Mary, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 2,352 issued 23 November 1916.
HO 144/1457/313161
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolff, Louise Caroline Yate, from the
Resident in Grappenhall, Cheshire. Certificate B 118 issued 1 July 1916.
Re-admission. Wolff, Bernard Lodewyk. Child of Louisa Caroline Yate Wolff.
Certificate B 118.1916
HO 144/1458/315771
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jonge, Emily Pocahontas, from the
Resident in Croydon. Certificate 2,214 issued 29 September 1916.
HO 144/1461/317693
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rudersdorff, Anne Jane Charlotte, from the
Resident in Highgate. Certificate 2,281 issued 27 October 1916.
HO 144/1462/319159
Nationality and Naturalisation: Houtman, John Mathias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ilford. Certificate 5,129 issued 28 November 1919.1919
HO 144/1465/321261
Nationality and Naturalisation: Snyders, Kate, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,494 issued 19 April 1917.
HO 144/1466/322372
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stahl, Beatrix Mary, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Farnham. Certificate 3,090 issued 25 March 1918. Stahl,
Marguerite, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Farnham. Certificate 3,091 issued 25 March 1918. Stahl, Mary
Gwenllian, from the Netherlands.1918
HO 144/1467/322669
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koolhoven, Sytse Frederik Willem, from the
Resident in Gosforth. Certificate 2,482 issued 21 February 1917.1917
HO 144/1468/323022
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nonhebel, Eveline, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Worthing. Certificate B155 issued 10 July 1917. Readmission.
Nonhebel, Gordon. Child of Eveline Nonhebel. Certificate B155.1917
HO 144/1471/325752
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engel, Frances, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Middlesbrough. Certificate 2,764 issued 19 December 1917.
HO 144/1471/326196
Nationality and Naturalisation: Atzema, Jan Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,598 issued 2 September 1919.1919
HO 144/1472/326638
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Mattos, Alexander Louis Teixeira, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,727 issued 30 June 1917.
HO 144/1474/331088
Nationality and Naturalisation: Starre, Huibert Vandar, from the
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 3,847 issued 24 April 1919.1919
HO 144/1476/332421
Nationality and Naturalisation: Janssensteenberg, Carolus Johannus Antonius
Marie (since known as Charles Bodin), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ripon. Certificate 2,684 issued 30 May 1917.1917
HO 144/1477/335293
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pollock, Florence Ada, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wallasey. Certificate 3,274 issued 15 July 1918.
HO 144/1477/335296
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stips, Mabel Grace, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 2,740 issued 10 July 1917. Re-admission.1917
HO 144/1479/342639
Nationality and Naturalisation: Havelaar, Willimine Gregorine (known as
Minnie Gregory Havelaar), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sidmouth. Certificate 3,622 issued 5 February 1919.1919
HO 144/1480/343327
ationality and Naturalisation: Baay, Peter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,540 issued 28 August 1919.1919
HO 144/1481/344918
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Reesema, John Siewertsz, from the
Resident in Lyndhurst, Hants. Certificate 3,138 issued 19 April 1918.1918
HO 144/1481/344943
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wahlen, Annie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in West Bridgford, Notts. Certificate 2,802 issued 24 August 1917.
HO 144/1482/346426
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sloots, Kornelis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,179 issued 17 May 1918.1918
HO 144/1483/348142
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lelyveld, Asher, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 3,106 issued 28 March 1918.1918
HO 144/1483/348679
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verver, Ivy Helen, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ealing. Certificate 4,730 issued 8 September 1919.
HO 144/1485/350704
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Dyk Soerewyn, Sarah Frances Susan, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,344 issued 27 August 1918.
HO 144/1485/351261
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ernste, Gerardus Wilhelmus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 3,340 issued 2 September 1918.1918
HO 144/1486/351820
Nationality and Naturalisation: Arendzen, John Peter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ware, Herts. Certificate 3,296 issued 29 July 1918.1918
HO 144/1486/351821
Nationality and Naturalisation: Arendzen, Alphonso John, from the
Resident in Ware, Herts. Certificate 3,269 issued 15 July 1918.1918
HO 144/1487/352658
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jonge, Agnes, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Croydon. Certificate 3,368 issued 14 September 1918. de Jonge,
Jacobus Willem, from the Netherlands. Resident in Croydon. Certificate 3,672
issued 6 March 1919.1918
HO 144/1488/353870
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Gerard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,151 issued 27 April 1918.1918
HO 144/1492/357765
Nationality and Naturalisation: Friezer, Salomon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 3,391 issued 24 September 1918.1918
HO 144/1494/359104
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bosch van Drakestein, Amy Elizabeth, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,219 issued 12 June 1918. Re-admission.1918
HO 144/1495/360802
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jonkergouw, Gladys, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 3,863 issued 24 April 1919.
HO 144/1497/363777
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kloos, Johan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,489 issued 22 November 1918.1918
HO 144/1502/369660
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bruske, Sophie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 3,625 issued 13 February 1919.
HO 144/1502/370302
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stockfeld, Gerhard August, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 3,915 issued 20 May 1919.1919
HO 144/1503/370440
Nationality and Naturalisation: Eliazer, Eliazer (known as Eli Boas), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Bradford, Yorks. Certificate 3,529 issued 17 December 1918.1918
HO 144/1504/371934
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hymans, Jacob (known as James Hymans), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 4,804 issued 2 October 1919.1919
HO 144/1505/372104
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Preston. Certificate 3,737 issued 31 March 1919.1919
HO 144/1507/373217
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cohen, Maurice, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wembley. Certificate 4019 issued 6 June 1919.1919
HO 144/1508/373718
Nationality and Naturalisation: Timmers, Adrianus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Warminster, Wilts. Certificate 3,927 issued 6 June 1919.1919
HO 144/1508/374238
Nationality and Naturalisation: Billig, Curtis (known as Curtis Billing),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Newcastle-on-Tyne. Certificate 4,181 issued 15 July 1919.1919
HO 144/1508/374273
Nationality and Naturalisation: Heck, Johannes Bernardus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 4,051 issued 6 June 1919.1919
HO 144/1510/374977
Nationality and Naturalisation: Toot, Lenard Dick, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Birkenhead. Certificate 4,065 issued 6 June 1919.1919
HO 144/1511/375459
Nationality and Naturalisation: Maykels, Bertha, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B239 issued 2 September 1919. Re-admission.
Maykels, Samuel. Child of Bertha Maykels. Certificate B239.1919
HO 144/1513/376483
ationality and Naturalisation: Hartog, James, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,436 issued 21 August 1919.1919
HO 144/1513/376487
Nationality and Naturalisation: Granaat, Joseph (known as Joseph Granite),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,889 issued 15 October 1919.1919
HO 144/1514/377279
Nationality and Naturalisation: Biersteker, Lilian Thomasina, from the
Resident in Chester. Certificate 4,321 issued 24 July 1919.
HO 144/1516/377836
Nationality and Naturalisation: Proos, Harry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Fleetwood. Certificate 3,840 issued 17 April 1919.1919
HO 144/1518/378871
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pou, Harriet, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,103 issued 24 June 1919. Re-admission.1919
HO 144/1520/379544
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nyburg, Jacob (known as Jacques Nyburg),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,755 issued 9 October 1919.1919
HO 144/1520/379874
Nationality and Naturalisation: Baruch, Adolf (known as Adolf Bars), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,350 issued 23 July 1919.1919
HO 144/1522/380466
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Praagh, Mark, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,291 issued 17 July 1919.
HO 144/1525/382129
Nationality and Naturalisation: Delzenne, Huibrecht Frank (known as Hubert
Frank Delzenne), from the Netherlands. Resident in Ilford. Certificate C.53
issued 27 August 1919.1919
HO 144/1526/382397
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolff, Gompertz (known as George Woolf),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,881 issued 13 November 1919.1919
HO 144/1527/383169
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fluit, Albert Gysbert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sunderland. Certificate 4,695 issued 23 September 1919.1919
HO 144/1529/383988
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mees, Florence Mary, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 4,586 issued 2 September 1919.
HO 144/1530/384680
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schisler, George Francis Roelof, from the
Resident in Durham. Certificate 5,099 issued 5 November 1919.1919
HO 144/1530/384754
Nationality and Naturalisation: Swaab, Harriett, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Beckenham. Certificate 5,046 issued 31 October 1919.
HO 144/1531/385391
Nationality and Naturalisation: Oesterman, Gladys Eve, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 5,038 issued 25 October 1919.
HO 144/1533/386853
Nationality and Naturalisation: Emden, Barnett (known as Barney Strong),
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 5,028 issued 31
October 1919.1919
HO 144/21694
Nationality and Naturalisation: Drughorn, John Frederick, from the
Resident in Beckenham. Certificate 22269 issued 8 August 1912. BARONETS:
Drughorn of Ifield Hall1912-1943
HO 144/1542/B13553
Nationality and Naturalisation: Meelboom, John Adam, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificates A7368 issued 16 January 1893 and G2 issued
4 October 1920. Meelboom, Dennis Hugues John. Child of John Adam Meelboom.
Certificate G 2.1893 - 1920
HO 144/1550/198634
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Duren, Hendrikus (known as Henry Van
Duren), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hayle, Cornwall. Certificate 6,651 issued 17 June 1920.1920
HO 144/1569/267172
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ouwerkerk, Johannes Henricus Aloysius, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Wimbledon. Certificate B 290 issued 9 February 1920. Ouwerkerk,
Cornelia Margeretha Petronella. Child of Johannes Henricus Ouwerkerk.
Certificate B 290.1920
HO 144/1576/301126
Nationality and Naturalisation: Knijff, Jan Hendrik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Somerset. Certificate 7,403 issued 13 December 1920.1920
HO 144/1577/303413
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wey, Pieter Johan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Walthamstow. Certificate 5,796 issued 3 March 1920.1920
HO 144/1578/31046
3Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Hooydonk, Adrian (known as Adrian
Hooydonk), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 6,590 issued 2 June 1920.1920
HO 144/1578/313035
Nationality and Naturalisation: Eckstein, Christian Gerhardt, from the
Resident in Southampton. Certificate 5,621 issued 19 February 1920.1920
HO 144/1578/313213
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hoogenbos, John, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 6,534 issued 1 June 1920.1920
HO 144/1580/319297
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lefebure, Bernard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 5550 issued 29 December 1920.1920
HO 144/1581/322233
Nationality and Naturalisation: Alleman, Leonardus Johannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 5,358 issued 23 December
HO 144/1581/323959
Nationality and Naturalisation: Manus, Marjorie Castle, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 6,869 issued 28 July 1920. Re-admission
HO 144/1582/328764
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Klaveren, Aldrianus Albertus, from the
Resident in Ealing. Certificate 4,888 issued 15 October 1919.1919
HO 144/1583/348098
Nationality and Naturalisation: Saruco, Esther, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,398 issued 16 November 1920.1920
HO 144/1583/349041
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mendelson, Fritz (known as
Frederick Mendelson), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 5,041 issued 2 December 1919.1919
HO 144/1583/349636
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Limburg Stirum, Constantine William,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sandhurst. Certificate C 58 issued 19 February 1920.1920
HO 144/1584/353321
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verheyden, Cornelius, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,082 issued 30 August 1920.1920
HO 144/1584/357691
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nederend, Wilhelmus Gerardus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 5,664 issued 3 March 1920.1920
HO 144/1586/368466
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rosenberg, Mary Jane, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Warrington. Certificate 5,657 issued 9 February 1920.
HO 144/1587/370873
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sloots, George, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,062 issued 25 August 1920.1920
HO 144/1587/374386
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Waal, Hermanus Gerardus, from the
Resident in Haslemere, Surrey. Certificate B.300 issued 10 March 1920. de
Waal, Kathleen Rhoda. Child of Hermanus Gerardus de Waal. Certificate
HO 144/1589/377458
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mertens, George, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 6,744 issued 2 July 1920.1920
HO 144/1593/383861
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cohen, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 7,112 issued 4 October 1920.1920
HO 144/1593/383982
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jones, Richard Hans (known as Ricardo
Sacco), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-on-Thames. Certificate 5,763 issued 19 February
HO 144/1594/384679
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lambert, Albert Gerard, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate refused. Army Case.1919
HO 144/1596/386317
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Hee, Jan (known as Ian Hay), from
the Netherlands. Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 5,395 issued 6 January
HO 144/1598/387445
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sorensen, Hyalmar Marinius, from the
Resident in Barking. Certificate C 69 issued 1 June 1920.1920
HO 144/1598/387815
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kardux, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 6,141 issued 13 April 1920.1920
HO 144/1602/390680
Nationality and Naturalisation: Steenhagen, Emma Jane, from the Netherlands.
HO 144/1605/391880
Nationality and Naturalisation: Labouchere, Ethel Dora, from the
Resident in Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Certificate 5,953 issued 17 March 1920.
HO 144/1606/392381
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fihelebon, Leonard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 6,156 issued 22 April 1920.1920
HO 144/1610/393609
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Zeeuw, Gerrit Huig (known as Hugh de
Zeeuw), from the Netherlands. Resident in Newtownstewart, Co.Tyrone.
Certificate 7,004 issued 17 August
HO 144/1610/393880
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Rosa, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leeds. Certificate 5,773 issued 24 February 1920.
HO 144/1610/393968
Nationality and Naturalisation: van den Assem, Pieter Johannes Antonius
(known as Pieter Assam), from the Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate 5,828 issued 17 March 1920.1920
HO 144/1615/395989
Nationality and Naturalisation: Voss, Julius Hubert Arnold, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Southall, Middlesex. Certificate 6,368 issued 19
May 1920.1920
HO 144/1617/396724
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rhee, Lizzie Margaretta, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 6,223 issued 28 April 1920.
HO 144/1622/399018
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zilles, Fritz Otto Emile, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B 324 issued 15 May 1920. Zilles, Marjorie.
Child of Fritz Otto Emile Zilles. Certificate B 324.1920
HO 144/1625/400362
Nationality and Naturalisation: Everts, Frederick Anton, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 7,304 issued 30 October
HO 144/1626/400852
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wildeman, Dirk Cornelius (known as Richard
Wildman), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,148 issued 21 September 1920.1920
HO 144/1629/404613
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Den Berg, Cornelius, from the
Resident in Southchurch, Essex. Certificate 7,051 issued 17 August 1920.1920
HO 144/1633/408693
Nationality and Naturalisation: D'Engelbronner, Louisa, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 7,466 issued 8 December 1920.
HO 144/1645/B26873
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Gruyter, Max Julius Albert, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A10916 issued 13 June
1899.1899; 1921
HO 144/1653/219443
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brinkman, Johan Diederick Nicolaas, from the
Resident in Wraysbury, Bucks. Certificate 8,557 issued 1 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1655/243331
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mendel, Gaston Henri, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 24439 issued 13 November1913.1914
HO 144/1658/261561
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hoogstraaten, Petrus Johannes Leonardus
(known as Petrus Johannes Leonardes Straaten), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Canterbury. Certificate 8,174 issued 27 June 1921.1921
HO 144/1660/263723
Nationality and Naturalisation: Westenberger, Gerrit Jan Baptist, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Muswell Hill, Middlesex. Certificate 7,681 issued
16 February 1921.1921
HO 144/1660/264696
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Blank, Joost, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ealing. Certificate B.393 issued 21 April 1921. de Blank,
Bartha. Child of Joost de Blank. Certificate B.393. de Blank, Jacoba
Geertruy. Child of Joost de Blank. Certificate B.1921
HO 144/1662/267692
Nationality and Naturalisation: Garretts, Nathan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,619 issued 26 January 1921.1921
HO 144/1667/299892
Nationality and Naturalisation: Capriles, Heraclio, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leicester. Certificate 7,816 issued 12 March 1921.1921
HO 144/1669/310779Nationality and Naturalisation: de Bondt, Jan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Cambridge. Certificate 8,361 issued 22 August
HO 144/1669/311108
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Citters, Aernout Henri Marie, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Wroxham. Certificate 8,214 issued 14 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1670/324093
Nationality and Naturalisation: Davids, Karel (known as Charles Davids),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 7,843 issued 22 March 1921.1921
Subject: ! *6* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:01:44 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/1670/327978
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sloots, Laurens (known as Arthur Weller),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,563 issued 21 January 1921.1921
HO 144/1671/331471
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fonteyn, Abram Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,630 issued 26 January 1921.1921
HO 144/1671/332952
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verkijk, Johanna Dina Cornelia Wilhelmina,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,192 issued 9 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1674/362562N
ationality and Naturalisation: Jouby, Jacques Karel Nicolas Desire, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B430 issued 15 November 1921. Jouby, Bertha
Leontine. Child of Jacques Karel Nicolas Desire Jouby. Certificate B430.
Jouby, Ernest Guillaume.1921
HO 144/1677/383423
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dercksen, Conrad Verwey, from the United
States of America.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,700 issued 9 February 1921. Dercksen,
Dorothy, from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 7,670 issued
8 February 1921.1921
HO 144/1677/384053
Nationality and Naturalisation: Reynders, Jacobus Christian, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 8,263 issued 27 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1680/391517
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wynman, Elise Francine, from the
Resident in Scarborough. Certificate 8,820 issued 19 September 1920.1920
HO 144/1680/393699
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ensing, Roelof, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,936 issued 30 April 1921.1921
HO 144/1681/393908
Nationality and Naturalisation: Houtwipper, Pieter Jan, from the
Resident in Fleetwood. Certificate 8,424 issued 19 September 1921.1921
HO 144/1681/395055
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leeuwarden, Emanuel (known as Ernest
Leewarden), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,685 issued 19 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1682/396194
Nationality and Naturalisation: Klemantaski, Elizabeth, from the
Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate 7,997 issued 6 May 1921.
HO 144/1682/397761
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kohnke, Bertholde, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Essex. Certificate 7,747 issued 4 March 1921.1921
HO 144/1682/397843
Nationality and Naturalisation: Emanuel, Victor, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,585 issued 5 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1685/403056
Nationality and Naturalisation: Neeter, Elias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,903 issued 8 April 1921.1921
HO 144/1689/407947
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schuur, Geert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 8,248 issued 25 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1692/410193
Nationality and Naturalisation: Senechal, Jan Andreas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,757 issued 26 February 1921.1921
HO 144/1694/411447
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Os, Meyer, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7,856 issued 1 April 1921.1921
HO 144/1696/412598
Nationality and Naturalisation: Westerduin, Aric Jacobus, from the
Resident in Fleetwood. Certificate 8,621 issued 7 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1699/414274
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cramer, Cornelius, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Fleetwood. Certificate 7,866 issued 1 April 1921.1921
HO 144/1699/414394
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nelissen, Gerard Hubert, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 8,056 issued 31 May 1921.
HO 144/1700/415139
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Hoeke, Julius Victor, from the
Resident in Bootle. Certificate 8,493 issued 4 November 1921.1921
HO 144/1701/416301
Nationality and Naturalisation: Davids, Louis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Brondesbury, Middlx. Certificate 8,206 issued 14 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1702/416468
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verroen, Leendert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Filey, Yorks. Certificate 8,202 issued 27 July 1921.1921
HO 144/1702/416903
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smulders, Petrus Johannes Franciscus (known
as Peter John Francis Smulders), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,283 issued 2 August 1921.1921
HO 144/1703/417871
Nationality and Naturalisation: Berlyn, Gladys, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,808 issued 24 August 1921.
HO 144/1703/418209
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Swarte, Abraham (known as Alfred Herbert
Deswarte), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Stratford. Certificate 8,370 issued 22 August 1921.1921
HO 144/1704/418373
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boerma, Nicolass, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 8,324 issued 8 August 1921.1921
HO 144/1704/418711
Nationality and Naturalisation: Le Gue, Gertrude Eliza, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 8,818 issued 14 September 1921.
HO 144/1704/419574
Nationality and Naturalisation: Citroen, Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,587 issued 3 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1705/419719
Nationality and Naturalisation: Threse, John Henry, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Burton-on-Trent. Certificate 8,651 issued 16 December 1921.1921
HO 144/1706/420892
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cayley-Robinson, Isabella Eliza, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 8,803 issued 1 September 1921.
HO 144/1720/220210
Nationality and Naturalisation: ter Meulen, John Henry, from the
Resident in Bridgwater, Somerset. Certificate 9,071 issued 20 March
HO 144/1725/264422
Nationality and Naturalisation: Thiems, Berthold Daniel Marinus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in North Shields. Certificate 9,471 issued 13 October
HO 144/1725/265141
Nationality and Naturalisation: Emmighausen, Louis Frederick Theodore, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Liverpool. Certificate 9,188 issued 27 April
HO 144/1726/268808
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Lucie Sophia, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 9,158 issued 25 April 1922.
HO 144/1727/271291
Nationality and Naturalisation: Baardman, Arie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Newport, Mon. Certificate 9,141 issued 12 April 1922.1922
HO 144/1727/271767
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brilleslyper, Asher (known as Alfred
Sanders), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,286 issued 14 June 1922.1922
HO 144/1727/282340
Nationality and Naturalisation: Berkhout, Petrus Johannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Surbiton. Certificate 8,909 issued 27 January
HO 144/1728/288506
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kennedy, Louis Hendrikus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Norwood. Certificate 9,043 issued 10 March
HO 144/1728/295415
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kennedy, Gradus Johannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 9,038 issued 14 March 1922.1922
HO 144/1728/295633
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Jong, Hyman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Richmond, Surrey. Certificate 9,005 issued 28 February 1922.1922
HO 144/1730/310741
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verschoor, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Workington, Cumberland. Certificate 9,247 issued 19 May
HO 144/1730/321377
Nationality and Naturalisation: Garritt, Barney, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,361 issued 23 August 1922.1922
HO 144/1731/339422
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beumer, Hendrik Martinus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Southall, Mdx. Certificate 8,980 issued 17 February
HO 144/1732/361635
Nationality and Naturalisation: Thiems, Daniel Cornelius, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 9,169 issued 25 April
HO 144/1733/375811
Nationality and Naturalisation: Monhemius, Arie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Liverpool. Certificate B 508 issued 7 December 1922. Monhemius,
Charles Arie Herman. Child of Arie Monhemius. Certificate B 508.1922
HO 144/1735/377308
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Weerdt, Jan Gerardus (known as John
King), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,391 issued 5 September 1922.1922
HO 144/1735/377806
Nationality and Naturalisation: Swart, Marcus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Stockton-on-Tees. Certificate 9,268 issued 31 May 1922.1922
HO 144/1735/379862
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Dam, Aron, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bexhill-on-Sea. Certificate 9,538 issued 17 November 1922.1922
HO 144/1735/379886
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Groot, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,118 issued 5 April 1922.1922
HO 144/1735/379917
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Ruyter, Cornelis Gerrit, from the
Resident in Shrewsbury. Certificate 9,331 issued 26 July 1922.1922
HO 144/1736/386222
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kohler, Henry William, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 473 issued 29 March 1922. Kohler, George
Charles Adolph. Child of Henry William Kohler. Certificate B 473. Kohler,
Gerty Emma. Child of Henry William Kohler.1922
HO 144/1736/386843
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zorab, Albert Manook, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 474 issued 19 April 1922. Zorab, Charles
Peter. Child of Albert Manook Zorab. Certificate B 474.1922
HO 144/1738/396048
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jass, Isaac, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,377 issued 28 August 1922.1922
HO 144/1739/398465
Nationality and Naturalisation: Coomans, Leendert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Erith. Certificate 9,270 issued 31 May 1922.1922
HO 144/1740/400288
Nationality and Naturalisation: Berentemfel, Klaas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B.444 issued 6 January 1922. Berentemfel,
Hendrika. Child of Klass Berentemfel. Certificate B.444. Berentemfel, Klaas.
Child of Klass Berentemfel.1922
HO 144/1740/402919
Nationality and Naturalisation: Legras, Ethel Margaret, from the
Resident in Portsmouth. Certificate B 477 issued 19 April 1922.
Re-admission. Legras, John Edmund William. Child of Ethel Margaret Legras.
Certificate B 477. Legras, Margaret Theodora.1922
HO 144/1740/403977
Nationality and Naturalisation: Das, Nicholaas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,349 issued 8 August 1922.1922
HO 144/1741/405747
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sjouerman, Samuel (known as Samuel Shurman),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 472 issued 28 March 1922. Sjouerman,
Hartog (known as Hartog Shurman). Child of Samuel Sjouerman. Certificate B
HO 144/1743/406257
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bowles, Edmee Flore, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,491 issued 23 October 1922.1922
HO 144/1743/409458
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Franciscus Petrus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 9,346 issued 4 August 1922. 1922
HO 144/1744/411924
Nationality and Naturalisation: Orgelist, Aron, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,248 issued 19 May 1922. 1922
HO 144/1748/417380
Nationality and Naturalisation: Balder, Pieter William, from the
Resident in Lowestoft. Certificate 9,351 issued 14 August 1922. 1922
HO 144/1750/422342
Nationality and Naturalisation: Walen, Evelyn Constance Jannette, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 8,978 issued 18 February 1922. Re-admission.
HO 144/1750/422452
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leewarden, Aaron, from the Netherlands.
Resident in
HOrnsey. Certificate 8,763 issued 16 January 1922. 1922
HO 144/1752/424236
Nationality and Naturalisation:
HOedemaker, Jacques, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 8,776 issued 18 January 1922. 1922
HO 144/1753/424607
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schaap, Nathan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 9,437 issued 29 September 1922. 1922
HO 144/1759/427354
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roodenburgh, Ellen Hannah, from the
Resident in Plaistow. Certificate 9,081 issued 22 March 1922. Re-admission.
HO 144/1759/427417
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stockfeld, Clara Maria, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 9,157 issued 25 April 1922. 1922
HO 144/1760/427686
Nationality and Naturalisation: Harteveld, William, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Milford Haven. Certificate 9,099 issued 25 March 1922. 1922
HO 144/1761/429329
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Johannes, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Fleetwood. Certificate 9,180 issued 25 April 1922. 1922
HO 144/1762/429805
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Beugen Bik, Anton, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,320 issued 15 July 1922. 1922
HO 144/1762/429808
Nationality and Naturalisation: Palache, Isaac Albert (known as Albert
Palache), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,439 issued 2 October 1922. 1922
HO 144/1762/430230
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vansteenhoven, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Certificate 9,287 issued 19 June 1922. 1922
HO 144/1764/430678
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kamps, Roelof, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,389 issued 5 September 1922. 1922
HO 144/1765/431239
Nationality and Naturalisation:
HOuthuesen, Elizabeth Emma Petronella, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,228 issued 12 May 1922. Re-admission.
HOuthuesen, Albertus Antonius Johannes. Child of Elizabeth Emma Petronella
HOuthuesen. 1922
HO 144/1766/431812
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Hooydonk, Augustinas (known as Auguste
van Hooydonk), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Finchley, Mdx. Certificate 9,373 issued 28 August 1922. 1922
HO 144/1766/432460
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jass, Woolf (known as Walter Jass), from the
Resident in London. Certificate 9,386 issued 5 September 1922. 1922
HO 144/1766/432461
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jass, Marcus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,379 issued 30 August 1922. 1922
HO 144/1766/432899
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Beaufort, Willem Hendrik Johan Herman
(known as Henry William John Herman de Beaufort), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Farnborough, Warwickshire. Certificate 9,273 issued 29 May 1922.
HO 144/1767/433521
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nenk, Eduard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9520 issued 7 November 1922. 1922
HO 144/1768/434895
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Veer, John Conrad, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 9,447 issued 4 October 1922. 1922
HO 144/1768/435578
Nationality and Naturalisation: Plantfeber, Ethel Mary, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B 504 issued 6 November 1922. Re-admission.
Plantfeber, Eileen Yvonne. Child of Ethel Mary Plantfeber. Certificate B
504. 1922
HO 144/2155
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Zyl, Hendrik Lodewijk, from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 9,660 issued 9 January 1923. 1923
HO 144/2177
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gans, Samuel (known as George Gans), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,635 issued 29 December 1922. 1922
HO 144/2260
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vos, Trinco, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Shrewsbury. Certificate 10,516 issued 1 October 1923. 1923
HO 144/2294
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Went, Gerardus Franciscus Petrus (known
as Gerald Van Went), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Rugby. Certificate 10,252 issued 19 July 1923. 1923
HO 144/2309
Nationality and Naturalisation: Banting, Carl Albert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sutton, Surrey. Certificate 10,695 issued 17 November 1923. 1923
HO 144/2322
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mendel, Andre Bernard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,951 issued 28 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2403
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ebeling, Pieter Cornelis, from the
Resident in Sanderstead, Surrey. Certificate 9,862 issued 7 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2491
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gomes de Mesquita, Joseph, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B 544 issued 6 September 1923. Gomes de
Mesquita, August. Child of Joseph Gomes de Mesquita. Certificate B 544.
Gomes de Mesquita, Isaac. 1923
HO 144/2493
Nationality and Naturalisation: Phlippeau, Gustave Maria, from the
Resident in Dover. Certificate 9,886 issued 13 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2502
Nationality and Naturalisation: Platje, Mattheus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in West Bromwich. Certificate 10,589 issued 18 October 1923. 1923
HO 144/2542
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Leeuwe, Andries, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Willesden. Certificate 9,935 issued 21 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2682
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kuipers, Johannes, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,736 issued 25 January 1923. 1923
HO 144/2731
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sons, Maurice, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,929 issued 21 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2732
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Slamannan, Stirlingshire. Certificate 9,772 issued 6 February
1923. 1923
HO 144/2741
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Haas, Rosetta, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Brighton. Certificate 9,775 issued 6 February 1923.
Re-admission. 1923
HO 144/2746
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Rees, Jacques Francois, from the
Resident in Folkestone. Certificate 10,078 issued 17 May 1923. 1923
HO 144/2757
Nationality and Naturalisation: Keller van Hoorn, Emma Welthin, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 9,848 issued 28 February 1923. Re-admission.
HO 144/2763
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Zwanenberg, Isaac, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 9,877 issued 9 March 1923. 1923
HO 144/2764
Nationality and Naturalisation: Timmer, Aleid, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Guernsey. Certificate 209 issued 23 January 1923. 1923
HO 144/2778
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Hilbert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leeds. Certificate 9,988 issued 11 April 1923. 1923
HO 144/2780
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cohen, Isidore Abraham, from the
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 10,107 issued 29 May 1923. 1923
HO 144/2800
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jongh, Dirk Johannes, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 10,143 issued 5 June 1923. 1923
HO 144/2875
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hoos, Edward Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 10,486 issued 26 September 1923. 1923
HO 144/2884
Nationality and Naturalisation: Odinga, Marten, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B 572 issued 24 March 1924. Odinga, Willy
Doeke. Child of Marten Odinga. Certificate B 572. 1924
HO 144/2915
Nationality and Naturalisation: Paardenkooper, Wilhelm (known as William
Paardenkooper), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 10,269 issued 24 July 1923. 1923
HO 144/2976
Nationality and Naturalisation: Denys, Mary, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leytonstone. Certificate 10,554 issued 12 October 1923.
Re-admission. 1923
HO 144/3023
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bleeker, Hillebrand Jacob, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 10,692 issued 17 November 1923. 1923
HO 144/3068
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Flymen, Sarah, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 10,755 issued 12 December 1923.
Re-admission. 1923
HO 144/3161
Nationality and Naturalisation: Siegel, Johannes Adrianus, from the
Resident in Leytonstone. Certificate 11,330 issued 29 July 1924. 1924
HO 144/3303
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leon, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 11,411 issued 4 September 1924. 1924
HO 144/3330
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hess, Klaas (formerly known as Klaus
Heinrich Hess), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wallasey. Certificate 10,851 issued 14 January 1924. 1924
HO 144/3405
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engelen, Omer Geron Norbert, from the
Resident in Garstang. Certificate 11,124 issued 26 April 1924. 1924
HO 144/3473
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pouwels, Florentius Engelbertus Nicolaas
(known as Frank Powell), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 11,204 issued 6 June 1924. 1924
HO 144/3475
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rammelt, Ferdinand Christian, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 11,175 issued 26 May 1924. 1924
HO 144/3493
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kruizinga, Jacobus Henricus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 11,369 issued 20 August 1924. 1924
HO 144/3605
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pennink, Jacob Reinier Karel, from the
Resident in Tunbridge Wells. Certificate 10,790 issued 27 December 1923.
HO 144/3776
Nationality and Naturalisation: Elout van Soeterwoude, Henriette Anna Louise
Caroline, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Turnbridge Wells. Certificate 10,779 issued 20 December 1923.
HO 144/3797
Nationality and Naturalisation: Weyers, Emily Amelia, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dovercourt, Essex. Certificate 11,063 issued 2 April 1924.
Re-admission. 1924
HO 144/3850
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Kort, Hendrikus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 10,969 issued 29 February 1924. 1924
HO 144/3853
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brouwers, Johannes Cornelius Harry (known as
John Cornelius Harry Brouwers), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 10,992 issued 12 March 1924. 1924
HO 144/3865
Nationality and Naturalisation: Korndorffer, Antonie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Grays. Certificate B 581 issued 16 June 1924. Korndorffer,
Margaret Lilly. Child of Antonie Korndorffer. Certificate B 581. 1924
HO 144/3895
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cost Budde, Jacques, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 11,134 issued 1 May 1924. 1924
HO 144/3949
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nieuwenhuijs, Kate (known as Kate Newin
HOuse), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Liverpool. Certificate 11,671 issued 21 November 1924.
Re-admission. 1924
HO 144/3956
Nationality and Naturalisation: Molenaar, Hendrik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 11,222 issued 16 June 1924. 1924
HO 144/3976
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kraay, Casper Alexandre, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 11,423 issued 9 September 1924.
HO 144/3997
Nationality and Naturalisation: Adamse, Joseph Hendrik, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Carlisle. Certificate 11,691 issued 25 November
1924. 1924
HO 144/4014
Nationality and Naturalisation: Meeuwenoord, Leonardus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Cleet Horpes, Lincs. Certificate 11,214 issued 10
June 1924. 1924
HO 144/4033
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fransen, Adriaan Hendrik Willem (known as
Adrian Henry William Fransen), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 11,299 issued 22 July 1924. 1924
HO 144/4225
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Praag, Abraham (or Abraham Bell), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Upton Park, Essex. Certificate 12715 issued 30 November 1925.
HO 144/4235
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Goot, Marianne Emily Kate, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B.615 issued 8 January 1925. Re-admission.
van der Goot, Alys Alida. Child of Marianne Emily Kate van der Goot.
Certificate B.615. 1925
HO 144/4245
Nationality and Naturalisation: Neter, Nathan Emanuel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B.636 issued 15 April 1925. Neter, Norman
Eric. Child of Nathan Emanuel Neter. Certificate B.636. 1925
HO 144/4313
Nationality and Naturalisation: Tas, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Eastbourne. Certificate 441 issued 26 March 1915. 1915-1925
HO 144/4360
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ciliacus, Henrie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 7189 issued 8 December 1920. 1920-1925
HO 144/4391
Nationality and Naturalisation: Delissen, Peter Josef, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bathgate, Linlithgowshire. Certificate 12328 issued 20 August
1925. 1925
HO 144/4410
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leuaering, Johannes, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 12759 issued 11 December 1925. 1925
HO 144/4434
Nationality and Naturalisation: Govers, Dominicus Nicolas Josephus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 12327 issued 20 August 1925. 1925
HO 144/4553
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Graaf, Wiepke Lambertus, from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 12165 issued 15 June 1925.
HO 144/4699
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hulskramer, Francis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kennoway, Fifeshire. Certificate 11815 issued 24 January 1925.
HO 144/4738
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Noorden, Joan Cornelis, from the
Resident in Frinton-on-Sea. Certificate B.647 issued 17 August 1925. van
Noorden, Elise Helen Barbour. Child of Joan Cornelis van Noorden.
Certificate B.647. 1925
HO 144/4751
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jonge, Jacomina Emily, from the
Resident in Hayle, Cornwall. Certificate 12413 issued 17 September 1925.
HO 144/4819
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Gelder, Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 11841 issued 6 February 1925. 1925
HO 144/4839
Nationality and Naturalisation: Winter, John Gerald (or John Gerald Collee),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bo'ness, Linlithgowshire. Certificate 12232 issued 15 July 1925.
HO 144/4873
Nationality and Naturalisation: Andreae, William Johannes, from the
Resident in Cowes. Certificate 12279 issued 7 August 1925. 1925
HO 144/4961
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roeg, Annie Elizabeth Limerick (or Annie
Roeg), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 11747 issued 6 January 1925. Re-admission.
HO 144/4972
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jennes, Adelaide Anne, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Broadstaires. Certificate 11882 issued 28 February 1925.
Re-admission. 1925
HO 144/4978
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schonewille, Hendrik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Falkirk. Certificate B.639 issued 14 May 1925. Sc
HOnewille, Hendrika. Child of Hendrik Schonewille. Certificate B.639. 1925
HO 144/5049
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Neve, Edward Karel Alexander, from the
Resident in Cantley, Norfolk. Certificate 11951 issued 18 March 1925. 1925
HO 144/5064
Nationality and Naturalisation: Moeth, Christiaan Wilhelm, from the
Resident in Bo'ness, W.Lothian. Certificate 11956 issued 18 March 1925. 1925
HO 144/5073
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hagenstein, Florence Sarah Annie, from the
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 11745 issued 2 January 1925. Re-admission.
HO 144/5086
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vanderweyden, Nicholas William, from the
Resident in March, Cambs. Certificate 12376 issued 7 September 1925. 1925
HO 144/5146
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boom, Abraham (or Arnold Boom), from the
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 12607 issued 6 November 1925. 1925
HO 144/5147
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Casembroot, Robert Francois Gerard, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Guernsey. Certificate O367 issued 10 January 1925. 1925
HO 144/5157
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schouten, Fennigje, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ealing. Certificate 12686 issued 25 November 1925. 1925
HO 144/5209
Nationality and Naturalisation: Belinfante, Sem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 12503 issued 14 October 1925. 1925
HO 144/5224
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hitzel, Elizabeth, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 12550 issued 21 October 1925. Re-admission.
HO 144/5229
Nationality and Naturalisation: Abramovitz, Harry (or Harry Abrahams), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 12271 issued 5 August 1925. 1925
HO 144/5252
Nationality and Naturalisation: Velleman, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 12583 issued 26 October 1925.
Subject: ! *7* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:03:23 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/5260
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koning, Edith, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Southport. Certificate 12730 issued 4 December 1925.
Re-admission. 1925
HO 144/5286
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kuipers, Joannes, from the Netherlands.
Resident in West Timperley, Cheshire. Certificate 12573 issued 27 October
1925. 1925
HO 144/5291
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dekker, Hendrik (or Henry Dekker), from the
Netherlands. Resident in Bathgate. Certificate 12746 issued 9 December 1925.
HO 144/5317
Nationality and Naturalisation: Philipp, Olga, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Tottenham. Certificate 12782 issued 18 December 1925. 1925
HO 144/5345
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hock, Johannes Christiaan, from the
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 12742 issued 8 December 1925. 1925
HO 144/5365
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vandertang, Pieter Marinus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Guernsey. Certificate O406 issued 29 September
1925. 1925
HO 144/5384
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wagenmaker, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in India. Certificate O403 issued 18 June 1925. 1925
HO 144/5628
Nationality and Naturalisation: Speelman, Violet Sara, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13933 issued 7 October 1926. Re-admission.
HO 144/5700
Nationality and Naturalisation: Artmann, Rosa Isabel, from Germany.
Resident in London. Certificate B42 issued 10 May 1915. Re-admission.
Nationality and Naturalisation: Artmann, Freda Nora Mildred. Child of Rosa
Isabel Artmann. Certificate B42.
Nationality and Naturalisation: Artmann, Ethel Theresa, from the
Netherlands. 1915-1926
HO 144/5854
Nationality and Naturalisation: Winkel, Klaas Uiterwyk, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 13418 issued 29 May 1926. 1926
HO 144/5873
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vredenburg, Julius Cato, from the
Resident in Wimbledon. Certificate 12854 issued 11 January 1926. 1926
HO 144/5976
Nationality and Naturalisation: Loteryman, Elias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B.685 issued 1 April 1926. Loteryman,
Elizabeth Henrietta. Child of Elias Loteryman. Certificate B.685. 1926
HO 144/6086
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verbeek, Johan Gerard (or John Geard
Verbeek), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13210 issued 15 March 1926. 1926
HO 144/6121
Nationality and Naturalisation: Veldman, Ernst, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 12982 issued 10 February 1926. 1926
HO 144/6149
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Herman Johannes, from the
Resident in Golders Green. Certificate 12997 issued 15 February 1926. 1926
HO 144/6230
Nationality and Naturalisation: Helder, Klaas Johan August (or Kenneth John
Austin Helder), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Palmer's Green. Certificate 13621 issued 28 July 1926. 1926
HO 144/6245
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Klaveren, Gerrit (or George Van
Klaveren), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Yatton, Somerset. Certificate 13059 issued 26 February 1926.
HO 144/6258
Nationality and Naturalisation: van de Geyn, Petrus Antonius Bernardus, from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 13259 issued 15 April 1926.
HO 144/6282
Nationality and Naturalisation: Broekman, Anton Louis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Leeds. Certificate 13417 issued 29 May 1926. 1926
HO 144/6313
Nationality and Naturalisation: Weyers, Hendrikus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13429 issued 31 May 1926.
HO 144/6354
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rozelaar, Phoebe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13521 issued 3 July 1926. Re-admission. 1926
HO 144/6380
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rosenboom, Arnold Matthew, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 13083 issued 6 March 1926. 1926
HO 144/6392
Nationality and Naturalisation: Trottier, Carl Jacob, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13119 issued 15 March 1926. 1926
HO 144/6411
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fransella, Albert Johan, from the
Resident in Surbiton. Certificate B.682 issued 18 March 1926. Fransella,
Albert John. Child of Albert Johan Fransella. Certificate B.682. Fransella,
Brian Arthur. Child of Albert Johan Fransella. 1926
HO 144/6431
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koymans, Leonardus Nicolaas, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Farnham. Certificate 13169 issued 29 March 1926.
HO 144/6467
Nationality and Naturalisation: Anholt, Hartog (or Henry An
HOlt), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13028 issued 26 February 1926. 1926
HO 144/6468
Nationality and Naturalisation: Linssen, Ellen Tryphena, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Norwood. Certificate 12977 issued 10 February 1926.
Re-admission. 1926
HO 144/6501
Nationality and Naturalisation: Werner, Florence Elizabeth Leontine Elsie
Maria, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dudley, Worcs. Certificate 14153 issued 13 December 1926. 1926
HO 144/6563
Nationality and Naturalisation: Deterding, Ronald Frits, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Kelling, Norfolk. Certificate 13500 issued 28 June
1926. 1926
HO 144/6598
Nationality and Naturalisation: Grotendorst, Johan Bastiaan (or Jean
Michaud), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 13481 issued 28 June 1926. 1926
HO 144/6615
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rozendaal, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in St.Albans. Certificate 12895 issued 13 January 1926. 1926
HO 144/6657
Nationality and Naturalisation: Folkerts, Johanna Adriana Maria, from the
Resident in St.Margarets Mdx. Certificate 13758 issued 4 October 1926. 1926
HO 144/6678
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ornstein, Leonarde Antonia, from the
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 13837 issued 21 September 1926. 1926
HO 144/6700
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Beek Helledoren Haages, Jacob Marinus
Willem Hendrik (or Jacob Helledoren), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Sydenham. Certificate 13816 issued 13 September 1926. 1926
HO 144/6731
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Rhee, Tuenis Johannes, from the
Resident in Acton. Certificate 14185 issued 20 December 1926. 1926
HO 144/6792
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Meel, Antonius, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Exeter. Certificate 14156 issued 11 December 1926. 1926
HO 144/6854
Nationality and Naturalisation: Deterding, Phyllis Mary, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 13660 issued 12 August 1926. Re-admission.
HO 144/6867
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wachter, Myrtle Ivy, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14043 issued 6 November 1926. Re-admission.
HO 144/6869
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mettrop, Mary Ann, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Croydon. Certificate 13679 issued 16 August 1926. Re-admission.
HO 144/6934
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Pol, Matthews, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Guernsey. Certificate O497 issued 13 September 1926. 1926
HO 144/6951
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stam, Harriet, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14035 issued 4 November 1926. Re-admission.
HO 144/7043
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gibson, George William Edward, from the
Resident in Hatch End, Mdsx. Certificate B.818 issued 23 November 1927.
Gibson, Joyce. Child of George William Edward Gibson. Certificate B.818.
Gibson, Maurice. Child of George William Edward Gibson. 1927
HO 144/7071
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Doorn, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in North Shields. Certificate 15023 issued 30 July 1927. 1927
HO 144/7141
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dikstra, Henri, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Glasgow. Certificate 15221 issued 10 October 1927. 1927
HO 144/7226
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stultiens, Petrus Martinus (or Pierre
Stultiens), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Blackburn. Certificate 14408 issued 18 February 1927. 1927
HO 144/7249
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kriens, Iwan Herman Amelius, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 14700 issued 9 May 1927. 1925
HO 144/7260
Nationality and Naturalisation: Crommelin, Edith Marguerite, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 15088 issued 22 August 1927.
HO 144/7309
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koster, Cornelius Boudewyn Francois, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Linslade, Bucks. Certificate 14201 issued 29
December 1926. 1926
HO 144/7350 Lavecour, Marie Adrian Johanna, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Burnham-on-Sea. Certificate 14791 issued 25 May 1927. 1927
HO 144/7380
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verwohlt, Auguste Edouard, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 15133 issued 9
September 1927.
HO 144/7424
Nationality and Naturalisation: Loudon, Francis William
HOpe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wye, Kent. Certificate C138 issued 8 September 1924.
Nationality and Naturalisation: Loudon, James
HOpe, of doubtful nationality.
Resident in Wye, Kent. Certificate D29 issued 8 September 1924. 1924-1927
HO 144/7471
Nationality and Naturalisation: Laernoes, Alice, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14494 issued 16 March 1927. Re-admission.
HO 144/7500
Nationality and Naturalisation: Monnickendam, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 14794 issued 25 May 1927. 1927
HO 144/7540
Nationality and Naturalisation: Germing, Wilhelmus Joseph, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 15445 issued 2 December 1927. 1927
HO 144/7551
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dumont, Marion, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15039 issued 4 August 1927. Re-admission.
HO 144/7644
Nationality and Naturalisation: Davids, Saartje Marianne, from the
Netherlands (since become a Dutch Subject by marriage).
Resident in London. Certificate 12454 issued 29 September 1925. 1925
HO 144/7677
Nationality and Naturalisation: Krabbendam, Dorothy Nellie, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B.821 issued 23 November 1927. Re-admission.
Krabbendam, Hendricus Melville. Child of Dorothy Nellie Krabbendam.
Certificate B.821. 1927
HO 144/7697
Nationality and Naturalisation: Briche, Simon (or Simon Brice), from the
Resident in Whitstable, Kent. Certificate 15220 issued 8 October 1927. 1927
HO 144/7740
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zuidema, Grietje (or Marguerite Zuidema),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15481 issued 8 December 1927. 1927
HO 144/7779
Nationality and Naturalisation: Keet, Johannes Jacobus, from the
Resident in Little Thurrock, Essex. Certificate B.795 issued 9 August 1927.
Keet, Emmy Gerarda Anna Maria. Child of Johannes Jacobus Keet. Certificate
B.795. Keet, Ludwina Amma Theodora Antonia.
HO 144/7785
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Horst, Elias (or Alfred Hurst), from the
Resident in London. Certificate 14529 issued 22 March 1927. 1927
HO 144/7800
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vink, Ysbrand (or Ysbrand Vinck), from the
Resident in London. Certificate 14406 issued 16 February 1927. 1927
HO 144/7848
Nationality and Naturalisation: Posthuma, John Johannes, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B.815 issued 29 October 1927. Posthuma,
Alaric Edward. Child of John Johannes Posthuma. Certificate B.815. 1927
HO 144/7857
Nationality and Naturalisation: Philipse, Salomon Joseph, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 14956 issued 15 July 1927. 1927
HO 144/7863
Nationality and Naturalisation: Radys, Arthur Johannes (or John) Gerrit,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Blakeney, Glos. Certificate 15369 issued 11 November 1927. 1927
HO 144/7865
Nationality and Naturalisation: Das, Johan George Lodewyk (or John George
Lewis Das), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15009 issued 30 July 1927. 1927
HO 144/7871
Nationality and Naturalisation: Klinge, Franz Paul, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Brighton. Certificate 14684 issued 6 May 1927. 1927
HO 144/7880
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Ciaves, Bernard Bension, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 15083 issued 18 August 1927. 1927
HO 144/7899
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roelvink, Bernhard Andreas, from the
Resident in Harrow. Certificate 14652 issued 27 April 1927. 1927
HO 144/7915
Nationality and Naturalisation: KOHNKY, Ewald (or Ewald KOHNKE), from the
Netherlands. Resident in Barking. Certificate 14852 issued 20 June 1927.
HO 144/7920
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolff, Salomon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Penarth. Certificate 14550 issued 23 March 1927. 1927
HO 144/7927
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Tuyll, Hendrik Nicolaas Cornelis (or
Henry Nicolas Cornelis de Tuyll), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14268 issued 17 January 1927. 1927
HO 144/7947
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hiddingh, Frances Emily , from the
Netherlands. Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate 15189 issued 30 September
Re-admission. 1927
HO 144/7976
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kappelhof, Wilhelmus Johannes (or William
Kappel), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Acton. Certificate 14491 issued 16 March 1927. 1927
HO 144/7977
Nationality and Naturalisation: Tichelaar, Taeke, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15301 issued 20 October 1927. 1927
HO 144/7991
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rinkel, Jan William Joslin, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 14589 issued 6 April 1927.
HO 144/7997
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hutter, William, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14586 issued 6 April 1927. 1927
HO 144/8074
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nabarro, Jacques (or Jack Nabarro), from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 14445 issued 25 February 1927.
HO 144/8179
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lobo, John Harold Jessurun, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 14542 issued 25 March 1927.
HO 144/8266
Nationality and Naturalisation: Pruym, Leon (or Leon Pruim), from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 15145 issued 12 September 1927.
HO 144/8267
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hamburg, Flora, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 14565 issued 29 March 1927. Re-admission.
HO 144/8349
Nationality and Naturalisation: Menko, Herman Siegfried Nicolaas, from the
Resident in Cricklewood. Certificate 15288 issued 24 October 1927. 1927
HO 144/8378
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wennink, Beerend Andries, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 15274 issued 20 October 1927. 1927
HO 144/8410
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bouwmeester, Coenraad Johannes, from the
Resident in Guernsey. Certificate O585 issued 8 August 1927. 1927
HO 144/8695
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Heiden, Arnoldus Adrianus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 16724 issued 4 December 1928. 1928
HO 144/8775
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dorr, Marie Magdalena, from the Netherlands.
Resident in South Tottenham. Certificate 16294 issued 28 July 1928. 1928
HO 144/9029
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hommes, Reinder Geert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bromley Hill. Certificate 16197 issued 5 July 1928. 1928
HO 144/9101
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hennipseel, Hartog (or Harry Ansell), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16592 issued 5 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/9153
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Annegien (or Annie de Boer), from
the Netherlands. Resident in Kingston-upon-Hull. Certificate 15541 issued 23
December 1927. 1927
HO 144/9206
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Vries, Enrico Marius, from the
Resident in Enfield. Certificate B.839 issued 1 February 1928. de Vries,
Ellen. Child of Enrico Marius de Vries. Certificate B.839. de Vries,
Kathleen. Child of Enrico Marius de Vries. 1928
HO 144/9208
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Bennekom, Ryk, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Norwich. Certificate 15512 issued 21 December 1927. 1927
HO 144/9221
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Velden, Cornelis, from the
Resident in Hornsey. Certificate 16492 issued 9 October 1928. 1928
HO 144/9238
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bosman, Thomas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Golders Green. Certificate 16108 issued 12 June 1928. 1928
HO 144/9289
Nationality and Naturalisation: Terlet, Frederik Johan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Minster-on-Sea, Kent. Certificate 15550 issued 2
January 1928.
HO 144/9336
Nationality and Naturalisation: Joncke, Lilian Max (or Lilian Max Jones),
from the Netherlands. Resident in Cobham, Surrey. Certificate 16338 issued
14 August 1928.
Re-admission. 1928
HO 144/9348
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bosch, Johan Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16196 issued 28 June 1928. 1928
HO 144/9360
Nationality and Naturalisation: Harkema, Dourve Oomke, from the Netherlands.
Resident in South Shields. Certificate 16286 issued 20 July 1928. 1928
HO 144/9377
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bakker, Jacobus Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cleveleys, Lancs. Certificate B.830 issued 21 December 1927.
Bakker, Helena Maria. Child of Jacobus Simon Bakker. Certificate B.830.
Bakker, Maria Helena. Child of Jacobus Simon Bakker. 1927
HO 144/9395
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beauclerk, Charles Frederick, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 16321 issued 11 August 1928.
HO 144/9412
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beukers, Willem Hendrik (or William Henry
Beukers), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16318 issued 8 August 1928.
HO 144/9482
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Meeteren, Adeline, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Birmingham. Certificate 16721 issued 4 December 1928. 1928
HO 144/9505
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Crans, Carolina Isabella Alexandrina,
from the Netherlands.
Resident in St.Helens. Certificate 15859 issued 23 March 1928. 1928
HO 144/9540
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schonewille, Stoffer, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Garstang, Lancs. Certificate 15881 issued 27 March 1928. 1928
HO 144/9545
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Straten, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15846 issued 19 March 1928. 1928
HO 144/9546
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Straten, Leon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 15847 issued 19 March 1928. 1928
HO 144/9559
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Praag, Barend, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16171 issued 27 June 1928. 1928
HO 144/9562
Nationality and Naturalisation: Speelman, Ada, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate 16209 issued 5 July 1928. Re-admission.
HO 144/9628
Nationality and Naturalisation: Reepmaker, Theodore Livinus (or Theodore
Livinus Reepmaker-d'Orville, by Deed Poll), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Esher. Certificate B.886 issued 3 September 1928. Reepmaker,
Mary Louise (or Mary Louise Reepmaker-d'Orville). 1928
HO 144/9639
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dejoode, Dirk Johannes Markus, from the
Resident in Custom House. Certificate 15882 issued 29 March 1928. 1928
HO 144/9740
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolff, Sarah Maria, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Old Trafford. Certificate 15866 issued 22 March 1928.
Re-admission. 1928
HO 144/9785
Nationality and Naturalisation: Abrahamson, Betsy, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 16018 issued 14 May 1928. Re-admission.
HO 144/9797
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kwast, Jacob Robbert, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Liverpool. Certificate 16339 issued 14 August 1928. 1928
HO 144/9811
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hamburger, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Gunnersbury Park. Certificate 16417 issued 15 September 1928.
HO 144/9838
Nationality and Naturalisation: Klink, Arie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Glasgow. Certificate 16658 issued 20 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/9847
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kan, Hartog, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16313 issued 13 August 1928. 1928
HO 144/9873
Nationality and Naturalisation: Neuerburg, Konrad William Joseph Maria, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16328 issued 11 August 1928. 1928
HO 144/9898
Nationality and Naturalisation: Meerendonk, Peter Conrad, from the
Resident in Goodmayes. Certificate 16571 issued 29 October 1928. 1928
HO 144/9910
Nationality and Naturalisation: Croockewit, Jan Hendrik (or John Henry
Croockewit), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dover. Certificate 16631 issued 19 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/9939
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Heim, Nellie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16326 issued 11 August 1928. Re-admission.
HO 144/9943
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lieberz, Laurette, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Gildersome, Yorks. Certificate 16323 issued 7 August 1928.
Subject: ! *8* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:04:53 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/9986
Nationality and Naturalisation: Blom, Eve, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16619 issued 14 November 1928. Re-admission.
HO 144/9994
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van, Bueren, Josef Hermanus Mozes, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 16688 issued 26 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/9996
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mes, Adriaan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Irlam, Lancs. Certificate 16605 issued 8 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/10024
Nationality and Naturalisation: Droogleever, Willem Herbert Geldolph
Fortuyn, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Watford. Certificate 16467 issued 29 September 1928. 1928
HO 144/10069
Nationality and Naturalisation: Drucker, Jean Carl Joseph, from the
Resident in London. Certificate A5752 issued 15 March 1888. Ceased to be a
British Subject having since acquired Dutch
Nationality on 26 April 1919. 1888; 1929
HO 144/10108
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Gerrit Wiebe (or Gerard de Boer),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Golders Green. Certificate 16983 issued 11 March 1929. 1929
HO 144/10125
HOutzamer, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16962 issued 4 March 1929. 1929
HO 144/10168
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Os, Esther, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17141 issued 27 April 1929. Re-admission.
HO 144/10305
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smits, Karel Lodewyk Joseph, from the
Resident in Acton. Certificate 17653 issued 4 November 1929. 1929
HO 144/10312
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bunge, Julius Henri Otto, from the
Resident in Greenford. Certificate B.954 issued 10 June 1929. Bunge,
Charlotte Cicely. Child of Julius Henri Otto Bunge. Certificate B.954.
Bunge, Julius Stephen. Child of Julius Henri Otto Bunge. 1929
HO 144/10354
Nationality and Naturalisation: Marynen, Prudence Adelaide, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 13496 issued 28 June 1926.
HO 144/10358
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gelpke, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wallington, Surrey. Certificate 17198 issued 10 May 1929. 1929
HO 144/10405
Nationality and Naturalisation: Radsma, Frans, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate 16629 issued 19 November 1928. 1928
HO 144/10451
Nationality and Naturalisation: Knottenbelt, Jan Hendrik, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Great Yarmouth. Certificate 17690 issued 13
November 1929. 1929
HO 144/10660
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nyssen, Gerardus Wilhelmus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 17761 issued 19 November 1929.
HO 144/10665
Nationality and Naturalisation: Friedhoff, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Golders Green. Certificate 17743 issued 25 November 1929. 1929
HO 144/10762
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van de Kerkhof, Henricus (or Henry), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in Garstang, Lancs. Certificate B.925 issued 8 January 1929. Van de
Kerkhof, Thedora. Child of Henricus Van de Kerkhof. Certificate B.925. 1929
HO 144/10786
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kozijn, Hyman Abraham (or Herman Couzyn),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16823 issued 8 January 1929. 1929
HO 144/10790
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gortmans, Godefridus Laurentius, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 16101 issued 12 June 1928. 1928
HO 144/10820
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Marle, Margaret Adele, from the
Resident in London. Certificate B.938 issued 6 April 1929. Re-admission. van
Marle, Harold. Child of Margaret Adele van Marle. Certificate B.938. van
Marle, John Arthur.
HO 144/10833
Nationality and Naturalisation: Keun, Philip Whittall, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Blakeney, Glos. Certificate C.234 issued 8 March 1929. 1929
HO 144/10866
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Driel Vis, Johannes Theodorus, from the
Resident in London. Certificate 16838 issued 11 January 1929. 1929
HO 144/10915
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verhoeff, Lucy, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17156 issued 6 May 1929. Re-admission. 1929
HO 144/10976
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hermans, Joseph Leonard, from the
Resident in High Barnet. Certificate 17364 issued 27 July 1929. 1929
HO 144/10983
Nationality and Naturalisation: Waisfisch, Israel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17158 issued 6 May 1929. 1929
HO 144/10991
Nationality and Naturalisation: Yff, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Penge. Certificate 17122 issued 25 April 1929. 1929
HO 144/11032
Nationality and Naturalisation: Steinemann, Annie Mary Elizabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Hendon. Certificate 17291 issued 25 June 1929. 1929
HO 144/11046
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leugering, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17059 issued 8 April 1929. 1929
HO 144/11069
Nationality and Naturalisation: Gompels, Meyer (or Martin Gompels), from the
Resident in Croydon. Certificate 17442 issued 26 August 1929. 1929
HO 144/11078
Nationality and Naturalisation: Mol, Willem Leendert (or William Leonard
Mol), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Belfast. Certificate 17469 issued 2 September 1929. 1929
HO 144/11091
Nationality and Naturalisation: Brenner, Caecilie Karolina (or Cecilia
Brenner), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 16920 issued 15 February 1929. 1929
HO 144/11115
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dekker, Jan Cornelis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hendon. Certificate 17528 issued 3 October 1929 1929
HO 144/11119
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verhey, Hermannus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17472 issued 30 August 1929. 1929
HO 144/11134
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beukers, Ernst Frederik Herbert Christiaan
(or Ernest Frederick Herbert Christian Beukers), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17405 issued 23 August 1929. 1929
HO 144/11146
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bruins, Edith Muriel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Turnbridge Wells. Certificate 17218 issued 21 May 1929. 1929
HO 144/11157
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stokvis, Alexander Leendert, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 17320 issued 10 July 1929. 1929
HO 144/11194
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Leeuw, Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wallasey. Certificate B.962 issued 12 July 1929. de Leeuw,
Bernard. Child of Simon de Leeuw. Certificate B.962. 1929
HO 144/11203
Nationality and Naturalisation: Engelenburg, Alice Emily, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Burnham, Somerset. Certificate 17053 issued 26
March 1929. Re-admission. 1929
HO 144/11232
Nationality and Naturalisation: Harsveld, Adeline May, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17644 issued 1 November 1929. Re-admission.
HO 144/11269
Nationality and Naturalisation: Veugen, Johannes Petrus Hubertus (or John
Albert Veugen), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Walthamstow. Certificate 17486 issued 13 September 1929.
HO 144/11305
Nationality and Naturalisation: Menist, Martin, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Portsmouth. Certificate 17769 issued 30 November 1929. 1929
HO 144/11337
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fortuyn-Droogleever, Dorothea, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Watford. Certificate 17556 issued 7 October 1929.
HO 144/11558
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Soest, Elizabeth Nellie, from the
Netherlands. Resident in South Norwood. Certificate 18848 issued 21 October
1930. Re-admission. 1930
HO 144/11582
Nationality and Naturalisation: Paulis, Johannes Roelof (known as John
Paulis), from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 10440 issued 10 September 1923. 1923-1930
HO 144/11683
Nationality and Naturalisation: Leewarden, Simon (or Samuel Leewarden), from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18223 issued 23 April 1930. 1930
HO 144/11749
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Toll, Frieda Lilian, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 17929 issued 8 January 1930.
HO 144/11828
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schlogl, Jakobus (or Jacobus Schlogl), from
the Netherlands. Resident in Barry, Glam. Certificate 18162 issued 2 April
1930. 1930
HO 144/11868
Nationality and Naturalisation: Lindeloo, Jacob Anton, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18935 issued 4 November 1930. 1930
HO 144/11929
Nationality and Naturalisation: Silvertand, Jan Martin, from the
Resident in New Ollerton, Notts. Certificate B.1006 issued 20 December 1929.
Silvertand, Jan Hendrik Joseph. Child of Jan Martin Silvertand. Certificate
B.1006. Silvertand, Margaretha Josephina. 1929
HO 144/12047
Nationality and Naturalisation: Franken, Johan Anne, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Colne, Lancs. Certificate 18226 issued 22 April 1930. 1930
HO 144/12112
Nationality and Naturalisation: Carre, Edith Maud, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edgeware. Certificate 18379 issued 19 June 1930. Re-admission.
HO 144/12199
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kohlman, Johan Coenraad Lodewyk, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 18199 issued 10 April 1930.
HO 144/12214
Nationality and Naturalisation: Prins, Theodorus Adrianus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Wisbech. Certificate 18930 issued 11 November 1930.
HO 144/12225
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ornstein, Julien Leonard Adriaan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 17883 issued 23 December 1929.
HO 144/12233
Nationality and Naturalisation: Manders, Theodorus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Horwich, nr.Bolton. Certificate 17902 issued 30 December 1929.
HO 144/12260
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fuykschot, Leonard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Penge. Certificate 18857 issued 24 October 1930. 1930
HO 144/12272
Nationality and Naturalisation: Jansma, Aldert Melle, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Clacton-on-Sea. Certificate 18690 issued 3 September 1930. 1930
HO 144/12323
Nationality and Naturalisation: van den Brul, Florence May, from the
Resident in Westcliff-on-Sea. Certificate B.1064 issued 18 August 1930.
Re-admission. van den Brul, Gerald Denis. Child of Florence May van den
Brul. Certificate B.1064. 1930
HO 144/12338
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spiero, Aaron, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Blackpool. Certificate 18076 issued 6 March 1930. 1930
HO 144/12375
Nationality and Naturalisation: Abbink-Spaink, Johann Hermann from the
Resident in Sale, Cheshire. Certificate 18708 issued 6 September 1930.
HO 144/12408
Nationality and Naturalisation: Evenhius, Hendrik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Crouch End. Certificate 18546 issued 1 August 1930. 1930
HO 144/12412
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Holten, Johannes Jacobes Adrianes, from
the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18015 issued 7 February 1930. 1930
HO 144/12438
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ruyvekamp, Johannes Hendricus (or John Henry
Ruyvekamp), from the Netherlands.
Resident in South Ealing. Certificate 17987 issued 28 January 1930. 1930
HO 144/12449
Nationality and Naturalisation: du Bois, Izaac Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate 18219 issued 23 April 1930. 1930
HO 144/12469
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Walterop, Marguerite Dorothy (or
Marguerite Dorothy de Vries), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 17935 issued 8 January 1930. Re-admission.
HO 144/12512
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Abbe, Salomon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18211 issued 16 April 1930. 1930
HO 144/12554
Nationality and Naturalisation: Levie, Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Westonsuper-Mare. Certificate B.1032 issued 21 March 1930.
Levie, Elizabeth Jessie Josephine. Child of Simon Levie. Certificate B.1032.
HO 144/12555
Nationality and Naturalisation: Doude van Troostwyk, Willem Isaac, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Twickenham. Certificate 18394 issued 23 June 1930.
HO 144/12597
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hischemoller, Cecilia Katherine, from the
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate 18230 issued 22 April 1930. Re-admission.
HO 144/12610
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Deyl, Jacob (or James Deal), from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 18961 issued 14 November
1930. 1930
HO 144/12612
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Oortmerssen, Gwendoline Muriel, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 17780 issued 5 December 1929.
HO 144/12622
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Klerk, Pieter Jacob (or Peter Clark),
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Grimsby. Certificate 18293 issued 16 May 1930. 1930
HO 144/12628
Nationality and Naturalisation: Coenen, Alexander Wilhelm, from the
Resident in Southend-on-Sea. Certificate 19083 issued 6 December 1930. 1930
HO 144/12641
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rinkel, Lambert Ronald Joslin, from the
Resident in Shrewsbury. Certificate 18260 issued 1 May 1930. 1930
HO 144/12653
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fortuin, Cornelis Johannes, from the
Resident in Wolverhampton. Certificate 19114 issued 12 December 1930. 1930
HO 144/12726
Nationality and Naturalisation: Borel, Helena Maria (or Helena Maria de
Hartog), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18557 issued 5 August 1930. 1930
HO 144/12770
Nationality and Naturalisation: Arzoni, Louisa, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hull. Certificate 18633 issued 22 August 1930. Re-admission.
HO 144/12812
Nationality and Naturalisation: Geijp, Florence Topham, from the
Resident in Chesterfield. Certificate 18765 issued 26 September 1930.
Re-admission. 1930
HO 144/12862
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roos, Julia, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 18760 issued 26 September 1930.
Re-admission. 1930
HO 144/12886
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kouveld, Charles, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 19156 issued 16 December 1930
HO 144/12893
Nationality and Naturalisation: Voute, Gertrude Harriet, from the
Resident in Guernsey. Certificate O919 issued 15 July 1930. Re-admission.
HO 144/12898
Nationality and Naturalisation: Westerling, Ethel Margaret, from the
Resident in Broad Campden, Glos. Certificate 18932 issued 11 November 1930.
Re-admission. 1930
HO 144/12931
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rasch, Margaret Elsie, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Nottingham. Certificate 18996 issued 17 November 1930.
Re-admission. 1930
HO 144/13006
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ledeboer, Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wimbledon. Certificate 16813 issued 6 June 1907. 1907-1931
HO 144/13138
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wynbergen, Gabriel Simon, from the
Resident in London. Certificate AZ5744 issued 16 November 1933. 1931
HO 144/13157
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Hulten, Theodorus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in the Netherlands. Certificate A19495 issued 4 March 1931. 1931
HO 144/13402
Nationality and Naturalisation: Nieberg, Lilian May (known as Lilian May
Neal), from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A20284 issued 22 July 1931. Re-admission.
HO 144/13425
Nationality and Naturalisation: Danielson, Benjamin, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate 5740 issued 19 February 1920. 1920-1931
HO 144/13436
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kist, Frederick, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate C66 issued 13 April 1920. 1920-1931
HO 144/13458
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bosch, Bernard Cornelis, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Swansea. Certificate A19974 issued 15 June 1931.
HO 144/13583
Nationality and Naturalisation: Santilhano, Philip Dias, from the
Resident in Thames Ditton. Certificate A20139 issued 3 July 1931. 1931
HO 144/13682
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sanders, Anne Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Knowsley, near Liverpool. Certificate B1111 issued 6 January
1931. Sanders, Hilda Catherina. Child of Anne Willem Sanders. Certificate
B1111. Sanders, Theodorus Carlton. 1931
HO 144/13684
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rabbie, Levie (known as Louis Rabbie), from
the Netherlands
Resident in London. Certificate A19295 issued 14 January 1931. 1931
HO 144/13868
Nationality and Naturalisation: Berends, Florence Marigold [Re-admission],
from the Netherlands.
Resident in Rustington. Certificate AZ472 issued 31 October 1931. 1931
HO 144/13869
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koolhoven, Abraham T
HOmas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ramsgate. Certificate CZ3 issued 9 September 1931. 1931
HO 144/13945
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rapp, Mary Pearl, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Worthing. Certificate B1098 issued 11 December 1930
[Re-admission]. Rapp, Alison Dorothy Antoinette. Child of Mary Pearl Rapp.
Certificate B1098. Rapp, Augusta Maria Pearl. 1931
HO 144/13968
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Geffen, Violet Ellen, from the
Resident in London. Certificate BZ13 issued 8 September 1931 [Re-admission].
Certificate BZ13. van Geffen, Adrian Denis Auguste. Child of Violet Ellen
van Geffen. Certificate BZ13. 1931
HO 144/14041
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vettewinkel, Dirk, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Enfield. Certificate A19287 issued 14 January 1931. 1931
HO 144/14074
Nationality and Naturalisation: Geerders, Machiel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Westcliff on Sea. Certificate A19347 issued 27 January 1931.
HO 144/14092
Nationality and Naturalisation: Angel, Jacobus Johannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Bristol. Certificate 19147 issued 17 December 1930.
Subject: ! *9* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:05:34 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/14093
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rodrigues-Pereira, Benjamin, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Ramsgate. Certificate A19251 issued 6 January 1931.
HO 144/14106
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bunge, Fedor George, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ealing. Certificate 19179 issued 19 December 1930. 1930
HO 144/14110
Nationality and Naturalisation: Emck, Adrianus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A19362 issued 2 February 1931. 1931
HO 144/14167
Nationality and Naturalisation: Blitz, Gompel (or George Blitz), from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A19484 issued 26 February 1931.
HO 144/14168
Nationality and Naturalisation: Blitz, Eliazer (or Edward Blitz), from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate B1136 issued 26 February 1931.
Blitz, Esther, child of Eliazer Blitz. Certificate B1136. 1931
HO 144/14201
Nationality and Naturalisation: Bokslag, Amy Elizabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Thundersley, Essex. Certificate 19109 issued 11
December 1930. Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/14224
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolters, Henderikus (known as Hend Wolters),
from the Netherlands. Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate A19602 issued 23
March 1931. 1931
HO 144/14283
Nationality and Naturalisation: Digtmaker, Isaac (known as Isaac
Dightmaker), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A19449
issued 19 February 1931. 1931
HO 144/14315
Nationality and Naturalisation: Willemars, Gerardus Josephus Theodorus, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Norwich. Certificate A19529 issued 9 March
1931. 1931
HO 144/14367
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koomen, William John Maarten, from the
Netherlands. Resident in East Harptree, Somerset. Certificate A19438 issued
18 February 1931. 1931
HO 144/14368
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koomen, Maarten, from the Netherlands.
Resident in East Harptree, Somerset. Certificate B1128 issued 19 February
1931. Koomen, Anna Alice May. Child of Maarten Koomen. Certificate B1128.
HO 144/14379
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stieltjes, Louisa, from the Netherlands.
Resident in High Halden, Kent. Certificate 19220 issued 23 December 1930.
Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/14406
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong Cleyndert, Jacob Barend, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Kew, Surrey. Certificate B1113 issued 9 January
1931. de Jong Cleyndert, Jacob, child of Jacob Barend de Jong Cleyndert.
Certificate B1113. 1931
HO 144/14433
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spruytenburg, Hendrik, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Ipswich. Certificate B1107 issued 22 December 1930.
Spruytenburg, Richard Frederik. Child of Hendrik Spruytenburg. Certificate
B1107. 1931
HO 144/14462
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cohen, Richard, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate A19366 issued 3 February 1931. 1931
HO 144/14542
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hansen, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Crick
HOwell. Certificate AZ3709 issued 22 November 1933. 1931
HO 144/14544
Nationality and Naturalisation: Romyn, Anton Willem, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Chiswick. Certificate A19769 issued 4 May 1931. 1931
HO 144/14581
Nationality and Naturalisation: ter Bruggen, Johannes Clasinus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate A19880 issued 20 May 1931. 1931
HO 144/14586
Nationality and Naturalisation: Neumann, Elsie Ersden, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Goodmayes. Certificate A19846 issued 18 May 1931. Re-admission.
HO 144/14619
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kuhn, Constance Mary, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Paignton. Certificate B1114 issued 14 January 1931
[Re-admission]. Kuhn, Alfred Heakin. Child of Constance Mary Kuhn.
Ceritficate B1114. Kuhn, Constance Helena Fanny. Child of Constance Mary
HO 144/14697
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Roomen, Lucy Elizabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Harpenden, Herts. Certificate AZ83 issued 15 August
1931. Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/14725
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Geffen, Violet Ellen, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Ashton-on-Mersey. Certificate A20131 issued 14 July
1931. Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/14734
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spruit, Willem Hermanus (known as William
Harry Spruit), from the Netherlands. Resident in North Shields. Certificate
A19461 issued 23 February 1931. 1931
HO 144/14755
Nationality and Naturalisation: Phillips, Jeannette Coryton (known as
Jeannette Coryton
HOward), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ849 issued
16 December 1931. Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/14777
Nationality and Naturalisation: Belinfante, Paul Abraham Martyn, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ275 issued 25 September 1931.
HO 144/14823
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Vries, Ysbrand, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate B1175 issued 15 June 1931. De Vries,
Gabrielle Vivien, child of Ysbrand De Vries. Certificate B1175. 1931
HO 144/14874
Nationality and Naturalisation: Franzie, Margaret (known as Margaret
Pollock) [Re-admission], from the Netherlands. Resident in Birkenhead.
Certificate A19643 issued 13 April 1931. 1931
HO 144/14927
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Ess (or Kerr), Isabella, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Edinburgh. Certificate A20122 issued 10 July 1931.
Re-admission. 1931
HO 144/15107
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koolhoven, Charlotte Elizabeth Mary, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Ramsgate.
Certificate CZ4 issued 9 September 1931. 1931
HO 144/15134
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beuningh, Herman Heinrich Eduard, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Bardney, Lincs. Certificate AZ234 issued 14
September 1931. 1931
HO 144/15169
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Ginkel, Gertrude, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Liverpool. Certificate AZ3 issued 6 August 1931. Re-admission.
HO 144/15187
Nationality and Naturalisation: Levie, Martin Meyer, (known as Martin Meyer
Lever), from the Netherlands. Resident in london. Certificate AZ523 issued
10 November 1931. 1931
HO 144/15202
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schaap, Willem Frederik Carel, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Croydon. Certificate AZ624 issued 16 November 1931.
HO 144/15221
Nationality and Naturalisation: Fransen, John Adrain Theodorus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Pinner. Certificate AZ596 issued 18 November 1931.
HO 144/15300
Nationality and Naturalisation: Koolhoven, Kathleen Phyllis, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate CZ13 issued 21 October 1931. 1931
HO 144/15312
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Vos, Florence Linda [Re-admission], from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ646 issued 21 November
1931. 1931
HO 144/15320
Nationality and Naturalisation: Flohil, Philippus Barend, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Selby. Certificate BZ59 issued 26 November 1931.
Flohil, Cornelia Francina, child of Philippus Barend Flohil. Certificate
BZ59. 1931
HO 144/15409
Nationality and Naturalisation: Giesen, Karl, or Carl, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1900 issued 23 July 1932. 1932
HO 144/15729
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roothaan, Mabel Louise, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Clacton-on-Sea. Certificate 19175 issued 16
December 1930 [Re-admission]. 1930-1932
HO 144/15914
Nationality and Naturalisation: Taconis, Hermano, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Swindon. Certificate AZ1485 issued 31 May 1932.
HO 144/16037
Nationality and Naturalisation: Overmeer, Johannes Wilhelmus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Grays, Essex. Certificate AZ2002 issued 24 August
1932. 1932
HO 144/16123
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Der Sel, Berend, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ2381 issued 22 November 1932. 1932
HO 144/16229
Nationality and Naturalisation: Spruit, Herman, from the Netherlands.
Resident in North Shields. Certificate AZ864 issued 21 December 1931. 1931
HO 144/16266
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Der Heiden, Arnoldus Adrianus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Erith. Certificate AZ1250 issued 27 April 1932.
HO 144/16284
Nationality and Naturalisation: De Haay, Henrietta Sara Emma [Re-admission],
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate BZ110 issued 3 June
1932. De Haay, James Arthur, child of Henrietta Sara Emma De Haay.
Certificate BZ110. 1932
HO 144/16429
Nationality and Naturalisation: La Riviere, Rene Francois Hypolite Johan,
from the Netherlands. Resident in Coulsdon, Surrey. Certificate AZ2190
issued 12 October 1932. 1932
HO 144/16482
Nationality and Naturalisation: Smit, Franciscus (known as Frank Smit), from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ2258 issued 27 October
1932. 1932
HO 144/16663
Nationality and Naturalisation: van der Laan, Gerardine Cornelia, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Bexhill-on-Sea. Certificate AZ4391 issued 9 March
1932. 1932
HO 144/16682
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dijkstra, Lieuwe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hull. Certificate AZZ1577 issued 9 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16684
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verdult, Christiaan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1500 issued 4 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16752
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sloog, Clare Yvonne, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1695 issued 30 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16753
Nationality and Naturalisation: Vis, Cornelis Piet Willem, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Essex. Certificate AZ1988 issued 24 August 1932.
HO 144/16754
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schulte, Hubertus Johannes Cornelus, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Bromborough. Certificate AZ2059 issued 16
November 1932. 1932
HO 144/16755
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zantema, Homme, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Grays, Essex. Certificate AZ1987 issued 14 August 1932. 1932
HO 144/16777
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stoederum, Marcus, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1708 issued 30 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16795
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Son, Jan, from the Netherlands. Resident
in London. Certificate AZ1503 issued 4 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16821
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van der Schuit, Hertzen, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1675 issued 23 June 1932.
HO 144/16828
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hageman, Pieter Johan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1677 issued 27 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16840
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verhoeff, Anthonie Cornelis Jan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1444 issued 23 May 1932. 1932
HO 144/16848
Nationality and Naturalisation: Abas, Salomon (known as Stanley Abbas), from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1679 issued 27 June 1932.
HO 144/16849
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Dam, Emanuel, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1660 issued 22 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16894
Nationality and Naturalisation: Raftenberg, Philip (known as Philip
Phillips), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1694
issued 30 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16897
Nationality and Naturalisation: Stoederum, Henri, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1707 issued 29 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16899
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Lier, Abraham, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1674 issued 23 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16927
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Baerle, Mary Elisabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Marston Meysey, near Swindon. Certificate BZ78
issued 16 March 1932 [Re-admission]. van Baerle, Adolph Charles Jack. Child
of Mary Elisabeth van Baerle. Certificate BZ78. 1932
HO 144/16929
Nationality and Naturalisation: Zeelander, Joseph, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ1912 issued 30 July 1932. 1932
HO 144/16953
Nationality and Naturalisation: Orgelist, Salomon (known as Siegfried
Orgelist), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1666
issued 23 June 1932. 1932
HO 144/16957
Nationality and Naturalisation: Ewald, Gerald Antonius, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1918 issued 30 July 1932.
HO 144/16963
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rosa, Alice Louisa, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Pitsea, Essex. Certificate AZ1312 issued 26 April 1932.
Re-admission. 1932
HO 144/16980
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Den Toorn, Ary Cornelus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Leeds. Certificate AZ2395 issued 28 November 1932.
HO 144/17017
Nationality and Naturalisation: Reepmaker van Belle, Helena Aletta, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ2085 issued 7 September 1932.
HO 144/17101
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Schuylenburch, Joyce Angela, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Liverpool. Certificate AZ1327 issued 21 April 1932.
Re-admission. 1932
HO 144/17175
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Alteren, Aimee Scofield, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Wallington. Certificate AZ2392 issued 28 November
1932. Re-admission. 1932
HO 144/17700
Nationality and Naturalisation: Dijksman, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Kenton. Certificate AZ2610 issued 21 February 1933. 1932
HO 144/17727
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Rood, Abraham Albert (known as Albert
van Rood), from the Netherlands. Resident in Surbiton. Certificate BZ229
issued 15 June 1933. van Rood, Elisabeth Ellen. Child of Abraham Albert van
Rood, Abraham Albert. Certificate BZ229. 1933
HO 144/17743
Nationality and Naturalisation: O'Breen, Johan Eliza de Vry (known as John
Eliza O'Breen), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ2930
issued 8 June 1933. 1933
HO 144/17744
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schoonheim, Johannes Petrus (known as John
Peter Sandringham), from the Netherlands. Resident in Liverpool. Certificate
AZ2764 issued 19 April 1933. 1933
HO 144/17792
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Poortvliet, Jacob Cornelis, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Wymondham. Certificate BZ281 issued 4 December
1933. van Poortvliet, Corstiaan Willem. Child of Jacob Cornelis van
Poortvliet. Certificate BZ281. 1933
HO 144/17855
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wolff, Hans Jurrien (known as Jan Wolff),
from the Netherlands. Resident in Manchester. Certificate AZ3441 issued 14
September 1933. 1933
HO 144/17906
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hageraats, Jacobus Johannes Petrus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate BZ269 issued 8 November 1933.
Hageraats, Maria, child of Jacobus Johannes Petrus Hageraats. Certificate
HO 144/17913
Nationality and Naturalisation: Straschun, Nathan Gedalja, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3336 issued 25 August 1933.
HO 144/17973
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Kat, Reinhart, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ2934 issued 8 June 1933. 1933
HO 144/18003
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kuijpens, Jan Gerrit, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Manchester. Certificate AZ3442 issued 14 September 1933. 1933
HO 144/18067
Nationality and Naturalisation: Acket, Joannes Henricus Matheus from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3821 issued 14 December 1933.
HO 144/18151
Nationality and Naturalisation: Chambry, Johannes Karel Joseph, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Croydon. Certificate AZ2575 issued 15 February
1933. 1933
HO 144/18181
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Melsen, Dirk Corstiaan, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Eastcote, Middlesex. Certificate AZ2779 issued 28
April 1933. 1933
HO 144/18233
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Weegen, Theodorus Adrianus Petrus
Cornelius, from the Netherlands. Resident in Wolverhampton. Certificate
AZ2935 issued 8 June 1933. 1931
HO 144/18241
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schuts, Pieter, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Dunston-on-Tyne. Certificate AZ2917 issued 9 June 1933. 1933
HO 144/18260
Nationality and Naturalisation: Tresfon, Agnes Grace, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Cardiff. Certificate AZ2486 issued 20 December 1932.
Re-admission. 1932
HO 144/18263
Nationality and Naturalisation: Klein, Ellen Elizabeth (re-adimssion), from
the Netherlands. Resident in Croydon. Certificate AZ2545 issued 2 February
1933. 1933
HO 144/18300
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Colle, Eliza, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ2549 issued 3 February 1933. Re-admission.
HO 144/18304
Nationality and Naturalisation: Wilde, Max Simon, from the Netherlands.
Resident in High Barnet, Herts. Certificate AZ2944 issued 30 May 1933. 1933
HO 144/18317
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rincker, Godfried, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Hanworth. Certificate BZ231 issued 19 June 1933. Rincker,
Constance. Child of Godfried Rincker. Certificate BZ231. Rincker, Harry
Godfrey. Child of Godfried Rincker. Certificate BZ231. 1933
HO 144/18329
Nationality and Naturalisation: Roos, Eleanor Elizabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ2611 issued 17 February 1933.
Re-admission. 1933
HO 144/18336
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hamersma, Riemer (known as Harry Hamer),
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ2698 issued 29 March
1933. 1933
HO 144/18387
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kooreman, Jan, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Wisbech, Cambs. Certificate AZ3230 issued 22 July 1933. 1933
HO 144/18483
Nationality and Naturalisation: Klemantaski, Louis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ3105 issued 27 June 1933. 1933
HO 144/18500
Nationality and Naturalisation: Sanders, David, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ3132 issued 6 July 1933. 1933
HO 144/18519
Nationality and Naturalisation: Janus, Andreas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ3280 issued 3 August 1933. 1933
HO 144/18545
Nationality and Naturalisation: Westerman, Johannes (known as John Peter
Westerman), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3246
issued 26 July 1933.
HO 144/18572
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Dyk, Louis Francois Charles, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Halifax. Certificate AZ3118 issued 10 July 1933.
HO 144/18646
Nationality and Naturalisation: Beukers, Gerrit Lambertus (known as George
Lambert Beukers), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate
AZ3385 issued 1 September 1933. 1933
HO 144/18656
Nationality and Naturalisation: Drose, Emma [Re-admission], from the
Netherlands. Resident in Worthing. Certificate AZ3158 issued 11 July 1933.
HO 144/18692
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Den
HOek, Mary Elizabeth, from the Netherlands. Resident in Manchester.
Certificate AZ3276 issued 5 August 1933. Re-admission. 1933
HO 144/18747
Nationality and Naturalisation: Verloop, Thomas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bradford. Certificate AZ3419 issued 8 September 1933. 1933
HO 144/18758
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Den Berg, Tobias, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Bis
HOp Auckland. Certificate AZ3525 issued 9 October 1933. 1933
HO 144/18761
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Boer, Goffe, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ3817 issued 13 December 1933. 1933
HO 144/18793
Nationality and Naturalisation: Oelrichs, Henry Frederick, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Sheffield. Certificate AZ3793 issued 12 December
1933. 1933
HO 144/18814
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Wit, Klaas, from the Netherlands.
Resident in Barry, Glam. Certificate AZ3864 issued 21 December 1933. 1933
HO 144/18860
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rafael, Rene (known as Rene Eberart), from
the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 14949 issued 24 November
1904. Revoked by Secretary of State 20 February 1934. 1904-1934
HO 144/19016
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kam, James, from the Netherlands. Granted in
Jersey. Certificate O1335 issued 24 April 1934. Kam, James Edward. Child of
James Kam. Certificate O1335. 1934
HO 144/19037
Nationality and Naturalisation: Boon, Jan Harminius (known as John Boon),
from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ4213 issued 30 April
1934. 1934
HO 144/19219
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Berckel, Jan Eugenius, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ4200 issued 3 May 1934. 1934
HO 144/19328
Nationality and Naturalisation: Visser, Cornelis, from the Netherlands.
Resident in London. Certificate AZ3957 issued 2 February 1934. 1934
HO 144/19357
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Herman Johan (known as Harry de
Jong), from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3863 issued
21 December 1933. 1933
HO 144/19461
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Bruggen, Bernada Elisabeth, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Tunbridge Wells. Certificate AZ4261 issued 7 May
1934. 1934
HO 144/19469
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Nievelt, Christiaan Jacobus Willem
Hendrik, from the Netherlands. Resident in Loughborough. Certificate AZ4131
issued 10 April 1934. 1934
HO 144/19476
Nationality and Naturalisation: Borsboom, Gijsbertina Sophia (known as
Bertha Borsborn), from the Netherlands. Resident in Margate. Certificate
AZ4212 issued 30 April 1934. 1934
HO 144/19495
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schutte, Sophie Adelaide Emma Gaultier
(known as Sophie Adelaide Emma Gaultier), from the Netherlands. Resident in
London. Certificate AZ4128 issued 18 April 1934. 1934
HO 144/19517
Nationality and Naturalisation: Daams, Lizzie [Re-admission] from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate AZ3924 issued 18 January 1934
Subject: ! *10* [UK archive] Nationality and Naturalisation: 'from the Netherlands'
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:07:08 GMT
(970 hits)
HO 144/19565
Nationality and Naturalisation: van Der Hoek, Cornelis, from
the Netherlands. Resident in Twickenham. Certificate AZ4391 issued 18 June
1934. 1934
HO 144/19597
Nationality and Naturalisation: Seuneke, Alice, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Lowestoft. Certificate AZ4026 issued 23 February
1934. Re-admission. 1934
HO 144/19643
Nationality and Naturalisation: Van Houten, Agnes Martha, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate
AZ4163 issued 19 April 1934. Re-admission. 1934
HO 144/19826
Nationality and Naturalisation: Steffens, Max Robert Bernhard,
from the Netherlands. Resident in Longfield, Kent. Certificate AZ1905 issued
30 July 1932. 1932
HO 144/20990
Nationality and Naturalisation: KAAS, Jacob, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 18709 issued 6 September 1930.
HO 144/21368
Nationality and Naturalisation: SWAAB, Samuel, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Sydenham. Certificate 12613 issued 6 November 1925.
HO 144/21489
Nationality and Naturalisation: Kattenburg, Joseph, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 8355 issued 18 August 1921.
HO 144/21495
Nationality and Naturalisation: Rupert, John Anthony Campbell,
from the Netherlands. Resident in Beaulieu, Hants. Certificate AZ362 issued
7 October 1931. 1931-1941
HO 144/21714
Nationality and Naturalisation: de Jong, Bernard, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 14267 issued 17 January 1927.
HO 144/21758
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hijlkema, Johannes, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Sidcup. Certificate B1026 issued 12 March 1930.
Since acquired Dutch nationality. Hijlkema, Charles Donald. Child of
Johannes Hijlkema. Certificate B1026. Since acquired Dutch nationality.
HO 144/21775
Nationality and Naturalisation: Cohen, Marcus, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 19051 issued 28 November 1930.
HO 144/21801
Nationality and Naturalisation: Hersche, Sarah Elizabeth (known
as Sarah Elizabeth Hurst), from the Netherlands. Resident in London.
Certificate AZ584 issued 17 November 1931. Re-admission. 1931-1943
HO 144/21822
Nationality and Naturalisation: Schram, Rudolph, from the
Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate BZ321 issued 4 April 1934.
Schram, Cornelis Jan. Child of Rudolph Schram. Certificate BZ321. Schram,
Magdalena Barendina. Child of Rudolph Schram. Certificate BZ321. 1934-1943
HO 144/22067
Nationality and Naturalisation: del Court van Krimpen, Jacob
Willem Cornelis, from the Netherlands. Resident in London. Certificate 25491
issued 10 September 1914. 1914-1945
HO 144/22078
Nationality and Naturalisation: Briede, Coenraad, from the
Netherlands. Resident in Goodmayes, Essex. Certificate 8580 issued 7
December 1921. 1921-1945
HO 1/11/1
Denization Papers: de Palatiano, Count Demetrius, from the Ionian
Islands. Primavesi, Charles Joseph, from Prussia. Soares, Manoel Joaquim,
from Portugal. Fievez, Thomas, from the Netherlands.
Hopf, George Henry, from Wirtemberg. Date of Letters Patent: 23 December
1834. 1834
HO 1/17/29
Naturalisation Papers: Baruchson, Arnold de Beer, from The Netherlands.
Certificate 29 issued 27 January 1845. 1845
HO 1/56/1847
Naturalisation Papers: Isaacs, Lewis, from the Netherlands. Certificate 1847
issued 24 July 1854. 1854
HO 1/80/2457
Naturalisation Papers: Rohner, George William, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 2457 issued 11 June 1857. 1857
HO 1/98/3359
Naturalisation Papers: Aberson, Frederik Alexander Anne, Joseph, from the
Netherlands. Certificate 3359 issued 24 September 1860. 1860
HO 1/101/3591
Naturalisation Papers: Swaab, Samuel Leon, from the Netherlands. Certificate
3591 issued 9 July 1861. 1861
HO 1/103/3722
Naturalisation papers: De Hart, Jacques,from the Netherlands. Certificate
3722 issued 29 January 1862. 1862
HO 1/103/3747
Naturalisation Papers:
HOrst, Johann Adam, from the Netherlands. Certificate 3747 issued 14 March
1862. 1862
HO 1/105/3821
Naturalisation Papers: Bergner, Karil Willem Edzard, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 3821 issued 24 May 1862. 1862
HO 1/105/3840
Naturalisation Papers: Simonds, Wolf, from the Netherlands. Certificate 3840
issued 11 June 1862. 1862
HO 1/106/3909
Naturalisation Papers: Haas, Julius Johann Robert, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 3909 issued 6 September 1862. 1862
HO 1/109/4036
Naturalisation Papers: Bezeth, Martinus, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4036 issued 1 April 1863. 1863
HO 1/111/4170
Naturalisation Papers: Jansen, Peter, from the Netherlands. Certificate 4170
issued 2 September 1863. 1863
HO 1/112/4217
Naturalisation Papers: Kuypers, Carel Nicolas Peter, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4217 issued 7 November 1863. 1863
HO 1/113/4278
Naturalisation Papers: Van Vliet, Edwrad, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4278 issued 1 February 1864. 1864
HO 1/113/4310
Naturalisation papers: Ascher, Joseph, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4310 issued 12 March 1864. 1864
HO 1/117/4514
Naturalisation Papers: Wilkins, George, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4514 issued 22 September 1864. 1864
HO 1/119/4642
Naturalisation Papers: Drucquer, Jonas, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4642 issued 13 March 1865. 1865
HO 1/120/4659
Naturalisation Papers: Ferhoeven, Lawrence, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4659 issued 1 April
1865. 1865
HO 1/120/4676
Naturalisation Papers: Van Breda, Johannes, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4676 issued 18 April 1865. 1865
HO 1/122/4756
Naturalisation Papers: Levy, Moses Gouloper, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4756 issued 11 July 1865. 1865
HO 1/125/4844
Naturalisation Papers: Langenscheid, Carl Wilhelm, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4844 issued 19 October 1865. 1865
HO 1/125/4858
Naturalisation Papers: Hardenberg, Francis John, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 4858 issued 27 October 1865. 1865
HO 1/126/4894
Naturalisation Papers: Rensburg, Henri, from the Netherlands. Certificate
4894 issued 25 November 1865. 1865
HO 1/129/4988
Naturalisation Papers: Schott, Jacob, from the Netherlands. Certificate 4988
issued 19 March 1866.
HO 1/131/5072
Naturalisation Papers: Gosschalk, Edward, from the Netherlands. Certificate
5072 issued 13 June 1866. 1866
HO 1/131/5087
Naturalisation Papers: Oliphant, Charles Agat
HOn Guillaume, from the Netherlands. Certificate 5087 issued 19 June 1866.
HO 1/133/5155
Naturalisation Papers: Cadenne, Hubertus Josephus Bartholomeus, from the
Netherlands. Certificate 5155 issued 11 August 1866. 1866
HO 1/136/5284
Naturalisation Papers: Corver, Jacob, from the Netherlands. Certificate 5284
issued 10 December 1866. 1866
HO 1/139/5393
Naturalisation Papers: Van Raale, Lion, from the Netherlands. Certificate
5393 issued 16 March 1867. 1867
HO 1/139/5394
Naturalisation Papers: Van Raale, Joel or Joost, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 5394 issued 16 March 1867. 1867
HO 1/139/5395
Naturalisation Papers: Van Raale, Salomon, from the Netherlands. Certificate
5395 issued 16 March 1867. 1867
HO 1/154/6081
Naturalisation Papers: Van Diepenheim, Morris, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 6081 issued 9 February 1869. 1869
HO 1/159/6339
Naturalisation Papers: Troostwyk, Benedictus, from the Netherlands.
Certificate 6339 issued 15 October 1869. 1869
HO 1/166/A.138
Naturalisation Papers: da Costa, Isaac Nunes, from the Netherlands.
Certificate A.138 issued 29 November 1870.
Subject: ! *1* [UK archive] served in ... born Netherlands
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:09:34 GMT
WO 97/10/139
JOHN VAN DER WALKER Born LEYDEN [Leiden], Netherlands
Served in 1st Life Guards; 11th Dragoons Discharged aged 44
WO 97/27/4
HENRY CARLOS Born BRUSSELLS [Brussel], Netherlands
Served in 22nd Dragoons (Light); De Meuron's Regiment Discharged aged 42
WO 97/68/32
BERNARD HOSEAUX Born GHENT [Gent], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; 14th Dragoons Discharged aged 50
WO 97/81/35
Served in Hompesch Hussars; 10th Dragoons Discharged aged 44
WO 97/115/55
Served in 20th Dragoons (Light); Foreign Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/118/100
Served in 15th Dragoons (Light); 1st Dragoons Discharged aged 37 Covering
date gives year of discharge.
WO 97/255/9
DIODM MEMOL Born WILLIAMSTAD [Willemstad], Netherlands
Served in 3rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29
WO 97/273/78
Served in 5th Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment; Corps of Military
Labourers; 63rd Foot Regiment; Royal West India Rangers Discharged aged 40
WO 97/314/42
Served in 10th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 54
WO 97/424/47
Served in 22nd Foot Regiment; 81st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/427/85
Served in 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/433/13
GARETH VAMBUMMELL [van Bommel ?] Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Netherlands
Served in 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 38
WO 97/561/39
Served in 40th Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 42
WO 97/593/141
Served in 44th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 48
WO 97/672/68
JOHN IRWIN alias JOHN IRVIN Born OSTEND, Netherlands
Served in 54th Foot Regiment; 57th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 44
WO 97/724/19
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/724/48
CORNELIUS ANTIS Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/724/50
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 48
WO 97/724/52
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 51
WO 97/724/72
MATHIAS P AVONTURE Born MAESTRICHE [Maastricht], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 56
WO 97/724/132
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/724/154
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43
WO 97/725/2
JOHN BOOG Born BEST, Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; York Light Infantry Volunteers Discharged aged
WO 97/725/46
MICHAEL BLANKAAR Born LIEGE [Luik], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/725/56
WILLIAM BLOOM Born DORTRECHT [Dordrecht], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/725/65
CONRAD BOHN Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 48
WO 97/725/70
JOHN BOULANGER Born HAAG [Den Haag], , Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 28 1
WO 97/725/101
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/725/126
JOHN BROWN Born RULPHON, Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30
WO 97/725/171
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/726/106
CHARLES COMBEION Born BRUSSELL [Brussel], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30
WO 97/726/142
BENJAMIN CORNELIUS Born BOIS LE DUC [Hertogenbosch], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 35
WO 97/727/51
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; Royal Etrangers Discharged aged 40
WO 97/727/75
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/727/76
PHILIP DEBOY Born ROSCH [Hertogenbosch ?], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 50
WO 97/727/77
CORNELIUS DEBRIUN Born MARKES [Marken ?], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/727/84
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 35
WO 97/727/95
HUBERT DELST Born GURDEN [Gouda ?], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/727/96
FRANCIS DE MARTIN Born MIDDLEBURG [Middelburg], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 33
WO 97/727/103
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/727/104
CASPAR DEREIDER Born GORCUM [Gorinchem], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 46
WO 97/727/114
JACOB DEVORST Born MIDDLEBURG [Middelburg], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/727/116
JOHN DEVREDE Born MAESTRICHT [Maastricht], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 55
WO 97/727/132
ADRIAN DE HOG [de Hoog] Born ROTTERDAM, Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43
WO 97/728/21
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/728/34
PETER DREISSENS Born HERZOGENBUSH [Hertogenbosch], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 51
WO 97/728/42
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/728/58
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 27
WO 97/728/68
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30
WO 97/728/100
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 31
WO 97/728/106
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/729/13
THOMAS FIETERS Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 52
WO 97/729/51
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 42
WO 97/729/66
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/729/87
ANTOINE FREDERICK Born ANTWERP [Antwerpen], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 52
WO 97/729/111
JOHN GABRIEL Born BEYUPZOON [Bergen op Zoom], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/730/6
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/730/9
EMANUEL GILLIOT Born MIDDLEBURG [Middelburg], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/730/13
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/730/15
JOHN GLASS Born HARDE, Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 46
WO 97/730/23
FREDRICK GOCKELL Born NYMWEGEN [Nijmegen], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 44
WO 97/730/50
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/731/12
JACOB HALLE Born LEYDEN [Leiden], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/731/66
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; York Light Infantry Volunteers; 3rd West India
Foot Discharged aged 41
WO 97/731/88
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 56
WO 97/731/90
JACOB HEINE Born ANCERSFORTH [Amersfoort], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/731/104
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 31
WO 97/736/91
JOHN MASTERS Born BOIS LE DUC [Hertogenbosch], Netherlands
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; York Hussars Discharged aged 42
WO 97/744/101
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/785/70
JOHN JABOT alias JOHN JABOTT Born DALIF [Delft, Dalem], Netherlands
Served in 65th Foot Regiment; 77th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/788/39
Served in 65th Foot Regiment; 77th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 48
WO 97/1045/22
Served in 97th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/1101/265
Served in Southern Fencibles; Londonderry Militia Discharged aged 56
WO 97/1128/48
JOHN MARKS Born OSTEND [Oostende], Netherlands
Served in 5th Royal Veteran Battalion; 97th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 54
WO 97/1128/251
Served in 11th Royal Veteran Battalion; 5th Royal Veteran Battalion; 7th
Royal Veteran Battalion; 2nd Foot Guards Discharged aged 51
WO 97/1137/80
Served in 11th Royal Veteran Battalion; 20th Dragoons (Light); 60th Foot
Regiment Discharged aged 27
WO 97/1137/161
Served in 11th Royal Veteran Battalion; 10th Dragoon; Yorkshire Yeomanry
Discharged aged 33
WO 97/1142/352
Served in 1st Garrison Battalion; 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 44
WO 97/1146/398
GERRARDUS SCHOTTS Born ANTWERP [Antwerpen], Netherlands
Served in 55th Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment; 1st Garrison Company
Discharged aged 43
WO 97/1178/321
JOSEPH DURMONT Born NAMUR [Namen], Netherlands
Served in King's German Legion Discharged aged 20 Covering date gives year
of discharge.
WO 97/1179/159
Served in Rolls' Regiment Discharged aged 29
WO 97/1179/240
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; Hompesch Hussars; King's German Legion
Discharged aged 41
WO 97/1180/327
Served in King's German Legion Discharged aged 30
Subject: ! *2* [UK archive] served in ... born Netherlands
From: "Erica" <genbook @spamtrap d-compu.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:10:01 GMT
WO 97/733/26
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 41
WO 97/1179/214
Served in York Light Infantry Volunteers; Dutch Troops Discharged aged 38
WO 97/1179/215
JOSEPH JANSEN Born VENLAO [Venlo], Holland
Served in York Light Infantry Volunteers Discharged aged 42
WO 97/1179/217
MATHY JANSEN Born SARTOGONBUSCH [Hertogenbosch], Holland
Served in York Light Infantry Volunteers Discharged aged 34
WO 97/1179/218
Served in York Light Infantry Volunteers Discharged aged 34
WO 97/128/3
CHRISTIAN STOY Born ZWOLL [Zwolle], Holland
Served in Hompesch Hussars; 10th Dragoons Discharged aged 38
WO 97/26/62
Served in Hompesch Hussars Discharged aged 27 Covering date gives year of
Served in 28th Foot Regiment; 1st Life Guards Discharged aged 38
WO 97/251/60
Served in 3rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/301/35
Born AMSTERDAM, Holland
Served in 8th Foot Regiment; Royal Marines Discharged aged 32
WO 97/301/94
Served in 8th Foot Regiment; Royal Marines Discharged aged 39
WO 97/313/153
Served in 10th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 57
WO 97/351/11
Served in 14th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/388/61
Served in 18th Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/411/21
JOHN DERRICKS [Derks, Dirks] Born AMSTERDAM, Holland
Served in 21st Foot Regiment; Argyllshire Fencibles Discharged aged 3
WO 97/415/85
DERRICK MYERS [Meijers] Born UTRECHT, Holland
Served in North Lowland Fencibles; 21st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/416/39
Served in 21st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43
WO 97/433/85
Served in 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/442/31
Served in 25th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 44
WO 97/442/48
JOHN BARTO Born DORT [Dordrecht], Holland
Served in 25th Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/450/12
Served in 25th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 51
WO 97/480/35
DERRICK HOYSMAN [Huisman] Born SETFIN [Zutphen], Holland
Served in 29th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/568/80
Served in 41st Foot Regiment; 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 53
WO 97/693/84
Served in 56th Foot Regiment; Queen's Germans Discharged aged 45
WO 97/723/65
Served in 59th Foot Regiment; 74th Foot Regiment; 94th Foot Regiment
Discharged aged 44
WO 97/726/70
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29
WO 97/726/91
JOHN COLDING Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/726/132
JOHN COOPER Born Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 41
WO 97/726/138
JOHN CORBIE Born MIDDLEBURG [Middelburg], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 33
WO 97/727/18
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 44
WO 97/727/47
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; 1st Foreign Veterans Discharged aged 36
WO 97/727/55
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 33
WO 97/732/2
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 50
WO 97/732/12
JOHN HEYER Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment; Royal Etrangers Discharged aged 38
WO 97/732/39
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/732/45
HARRY HOLLAR Born BRIEL [Den Briel], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40
WO 97/733/7
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/733/9
THOMAS JACOBS Born GRONIGEN [Groningen], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 47
WO 97/733/20
PETER JANKEN [Jansen ?] Born NEWPORT [Nieuwpoort], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29
WO 97/733/25
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 34
WO 97/733/26
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 41
WO 97/733/63
PETER JOUKERS Born LEYDON [Leiden], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 47
WO 97/733/70
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/733/72
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 48
WO 97/733/73
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43
WO 97/734/14
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 42
WO 97/734/46
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 38
WO 97/734/64
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/734/82
JACOB KRACK Born ARMERSFORD [Amersfoort], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/734/98
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/734/120
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 46
WO 97/734/127
MICHAEL LANDERS Born MASTRICHT [Maastricht], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/734/135
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39
WO 97/737/47
ADAM MORAAL Born HAGUE [Den Haag], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 42
WO 97/737/91
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 36
WO 97/738/28
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 45
WO 97/738/36
JOHN NOVY Born EDAM, Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37
WO 97/739/31
JOHN PETERS Born ROEMONDA [Roermond], Holland
Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39